Chapter Six

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Happy Flash returns day! To celebrate, here's the (hopefully) next to last Flash chapter of the book!

Barry, Sara, and Ralph fight DeVoe inside his mind, DeVoe faces off with the rest of the heroes in the outside world, and it turns out the bastard still thinks of everything.



The percentage had passed 82 when an alarm started blaring throughout the lair. "What's that?" Terrill looked around in concern.

"My husband," Marlize said grimly, moving around the percentage projection to check on another screen. "He's getting close."

She tapped something on her tablet, and Oliver saw the air warp before the ground seemed to shift under his feet. He grunted in annoyance, holding out an arm to steady himself. He could see everyone else in the room attempt to do the same thing. "OK," Leo winced. "Tell me I'm not the only one who felt that."

"Nope," Wally shook out his head, wincing and tapping the side of his head.

"Don't worry," Brainy shook it off casually, looking unperturbed, compared to Mon-El and Imra, who appeared a little nauseous. "It was just another shift to another pocket dimension. Slightly unnerving, nothing too harmful."

"Slightly unnerving, he says," Malcolm griped, his hand tighter around his bow. "Nothing too harmful, he says."

"Nerving, serving, swerving, curving," Harry mumbled, eyes flitting about.

"Hey," Lena held out a hand to steady him. "It's OK, Harry. It's OK."

Cecille suddenly shrieked in pain, shooting upright, eyes wide. "What's wrong?" Joe asked in concern.

Caitlin gulped, checking the bag Cecille's line ran to. "No more labor suppression," she answered.

Alex sighed, putting a hand on Cecille's arm. "How are you feeling, Cecille?" shea sked.

"Like I don't know if I can do this," she gasped, breathing heavily.

"You shouldn't have to," Joe shook his head bitterly. "You should be able to have our baby just like any other parent, in a hospital, in a regular bed, not with all this." He whirled on Marlize, who took a step back at the anger in his eyes. "Hey, look at what you've done! To our friend, my son, my daughter, the love of my life . . . everybody in this damn city!"

"Joe!" Kara ran up to him, putting a hand on his arm.

"How could you ever think that this would be better for humanity?" Joe roared.

"Dad," Iris joined Kara, narrowing her eyes. "What did you say to me when Barry came out of the Speed Force?" Joe narrowed his eyes, and Iris continued. "You said 'strength without faith means nothing.' We need to have faith that we can get through this together."

"El mayarah," Kara nodded in agreement.

Joe silently seethed, but he walked back to Cecille, Alex, and Caitlin. Oliver sighed, turning to Marlize. "How long until he finds us?" he asked.

"Minutes," Marlize answered. "Maybe less."

Oliver turned back around. "Weapons at the ready."

Jax and Lily bumped fists, merging into Firestorm as Leo powered up his gun.


Sara watched in stunned amazement as one of the DeVoes not only avoided Ralph's punches, but also as the other blocked the ones Barry attempted while utilizing his super speed. She twirled one of her batons and rushed a third DeVoe as quickly as she could, using every feint and trick she could think of to try and gain the upper hand. DeVoe gracefully weaved between her attacks, even blocking her batons with his forearm when he could. He finally grabbed one of her batons, then her wrist with his other hand, and flung her over his shoulder, right into the wall Barry and Ralph were already collapsed by.

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