Chapter One

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The Legends try to "make a baby," reinforcements arrive, and Ray saves someone at the cost of another's life.

Enjoy my first part of a Legends episode!


Sara had the most insane team in the multiverse and considering Kara Danvers had Slade Wilson and Malcolm Merlyn for adoptive brothers, that was saying something.

Still, she thought as they were left alone by Jonah Hex, if they were insane enough to release Mallus, they were insane enough to try what Amaya wanted them to do. "All right, Amaya," she said. "It's your show. How do we create this magical light being?"

"All right," Amaya walked towards a concrete platform. "Everyone, over here. Make a circle. Mick, your fire is gonna provide our champion with its spark. Zari, use your air to give it breath. Wally, use water to flow life's blood through its veins. Nate – "

"I will use the Earth Totem to give Voltron flesh," Nate grinned.

Sara took back what she thought as behind them, Jax laughed and hastily coughed, Lily covering her mouth with her hand to stop herself from laughing, too. What was more insane was letting Nate do this while he was still high off the tea. "You got to stop calling it that," she glared at him.

"I will never stop calling it that," Nate shook his head.

"I'm gonna use my spirit to provide it with a soul," Amaya continued. "But . . . " She pulled a black stone on a chain out from under her jacket. "Without the final totem, our champion will be incomplete."

"No," Sara immediately shook her head, holding her hands. She remembered the last time she wore the Death Totem, and what she had nearly done with it still gave her nightmares. "It's not happening!"

"Without the Death Totem, the other five totems can only imprison Mallus," Amaya told her. "We need death to kill him once and for all."

Sara eyed the Totem in disgust. "Don't worry," Mick spoke up. "If you turn into a witch bitch, I'll kill you."

Well, that was a little comfort, at least. "Thank you," Sara sighed.

"You're welcome," Mick nodded.

"All right," Sara took off her hat and bowed her head so Amaya could place the Totem around her neck. "Let's do it."

Everyone held their breaths as the Totem dangled from Sara's neck, and Jax sighed in relief when Sara remained the same. "Atta girl."

"OK," Amaya extended her hands. "Hold hands." She continued, even as Mick tried avoiding Nate's grasping hand. "Come on, clear your minds, and focus on your breath. Imagine a perfect warrior of justice, mercy, and light."

"So . . . Supergirl?" Lily whispered to Jax, who buried his face in his hand to avoid cackling.

The Totems all lit up one by one, then Mick's voice rang in Sara's head. "Why does Pretty have such girly hands?"

Nate's voice was next. "Damn, this Lyoga root is strong! Concentrate, Nate, think about 'Voltron, Defender of the Universe!'"

"I kind of pictured myself wielding something cool," Wally's voice chimed in. "Like a Lightning Totem."

It was Zari's voice that made Sara want to respond. "Am I crazy, or is Jonah Hex hot?"

"Eh, you could do worse than Hex," Sara thought.

Zari's hand tightened around hers. "Wait, you can hear me?"

"We can all hear each other," Amaya confirmed with a sigh.

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