Chapter 11: Cuddles and Muffins

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Harper's P.O.V

Sometimes on a warm day, when I have nothing better to do, I'll spend hours just looking outside. I'll stare at the wonders of the outdoor world, wondering about the lives of the animals out there. The robins spend their days gathering food and caring for their young, but do they ever do more? Do they have dreams and aspirations, anything special they want to do? Or do they just live their lives as their mothers and fathers did before them, doing the exact same monotonous processes that run in their blood. Do they even feel love? Could they ever feel the satisfaction I'm feeling right now, the satisfaction of being kissed by the person you love most?

After the kiss, Jojo stared straight into my eyes with worry, almost as if she were asking if she made a mistake. In response, I wrapped my arms around her waist, and whispered,
"I love you, Jojo."
She smiled at me and put her arm on my shoulder, whispering back,
"I love you too, Harper."

We stayed like that, just holding onto each other. I felt so comfortable in her arms that I never wanted to leave. Soon though, JoJo's phone went off. Taking her hand of my shoulder to open it, she quickly told me,
"Kyle's going to be back with the rest of them soon. Would you like to ... ummm... just kinda relax in the bedroom so they don't bother us?"

"Sure." I answered dreamily, as she turned off the movie and grabbed my hand. We got into our bedroom and both laid down on the bed together. I cuddled up close to Jojo and relaxed, she put her arm around me. We both stayed silent, as if scared that one of us might ruin the moment by speaking. I heard Kyle and the others arrive in the background, and I eventually drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, I woke up to the sound of rain, rain, and more rain. It was pouring even more loudly than last night. Looking over at Jojo, she was already awake and on her phone.

"Good morning!" She told me once she noticed I was awake. "How are you doing?"

"As a matter of fact," I told her happily. "I feel absolutely amazing. I kissed the love of my life last night and got to cuddle with her all night."

Jojo smiled wider than I think I've ever seen her do before. Her blue eyes were glowing with happiness.
"I'm really the love of your life?" She asked me.

"Definitely, I've never loved anybody more than I've loved you." I replied.

"Well that's good," She continued, beginning to look a bit nervous. "Because I've always happened to love you too."

"Really???" I replied with disbelief. I couldn't believe this.

"Yeah, really." She affirmed. "Hey Harp, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

My world is spinning, this feels like a dream. I've had dreams where JoJo has asked me to go out with her, but they've never been real before. I pinched myself really hard on the thigh, hoping and praying that I didn't wake up. I thankfully didn't wake up, and I replied,
"I would love to be your girlfriend!"

Jojo pulled me into another kiss, this one was quicker than the last one, but it still had the same magic. Looking at the clock, I noticed it was already 9, so I asked Jojo,
"Do you want to go get breakfast? Everyone is probably going to get worried if we sleep for much longer."

"Yeah!" She laughed out, getting out of bed and grabbing my hand. I stopped her though, asking,
"Can we wait to tell everybody else? I don't want them to pressure us or anything?"

She nodded and pulled her arm away. We made our way into the kitchen, where Kyle was in the middle of throwing a muffin at Willow. She dodged though, and Kyle picked the muffin up again. Parker was laughing uncontrollably at all of this.

"What the heck are you guys doing?" Jojo yelled with confusion.

Kyle looked over at Jojo with surprise and answered with embarrassment,
"Willow overcooked the muffins, so I'm proving to her that they're too hard to eat."
We all started to laugh uncontrollably.

"So, anyway," Kyle began after he finally stopped laughing. "Good morning to you two. You guys slept pretty late." He looked over to me and winked, I smiled and winked back. Jojo walked over to the pan of muffins and took a bite out of one.
"These are fine." She told Kyle, grabbing another one at sitting down to eat it.

"What do you guys want to do today?" Willow asked, glancing around.

Kyle quickly replied, "it's raining too hard to do anything today. Let's just relax here."
We all quickly agreed, and I sat down next to Jojo, grabbing a muffin for myself.

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