Chapter 3: Swimming

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(The next part is going to be from the point of view of Harper instead of a 3rd person past tense view. When I is said, it's referring to Harper.)
Harper's P.O.V

Jojo and I are sitting at the table relaxing. I'm deeply surprised by how good of a cook Jojo is, I kinda assumed that her cooks made everything. I was wrong though, she knows a lot. She kept adding all sorts of additives to the pancake mix and chocolate chips and everything, and the pancakes turned out amazing.
"Hey Jojo", I asked nonchalantly," Your idea for the kite sounds great, but for now, do you want to go swimming down in the hot springs?"
My heart skipped a beat as I spoke. The thought of seeing Jojo in a swimsuit again made me feel weird. We hadn't really gone swimming since I realised my feelings for her. I feel odd for wanting to see her in a swimsuit so badly. Maybe it's just a gay thing?
Jojo's eyes lit up with the suggestion,"Yeah!" She shouted with excitement,"That's an amazing idea!"
With that, we both ran upstairs to change and get ready. Jojo of course, being the genius she is, brought a bag full of everything she thought we could ever need together- thankfully that included a swimsuit. I ended up choosing a modest black bikini with some ruffles to wear, I'm not really all that into fashion. I pulled out a white shirt and some black jeans to put over it, since the forest bushes have too many thorns to go bare legged through.
When I left my room, I was greeted by a smiling Jojo, wearing her blue jeans from earlier with a unicorn crop top...... Looks like keeping my eyes to myself is going to be harder than expected.

I followed Jojo through the forest, step by step we walked. Every step caused the crinkle of leaves under our feet. The occasional slight wind caused the leaves of the trees to move slightly, that wind was the only sound in the forest besides our steps. The peacefulness was very therapeutic for me, it helped calm my nerves for the emotions they were going to go through as soon as Jojo took her shirt off.

Soon, the hot spring came into view. It's a small pool of water that's heated by a small nearby volcano. The pool was about 5 by 5 feet in size, while the nearby volcano was also small. It was barely even a volcano , it was closer to a mound of dirt with a bit of lava, but it heats up this pool of water all the same.
Luckily, the pool is deeper than it is wide, allowing room for us to jump in and dive.

Once we arrived, I immediately pulled off my top, revealing my swimsuit, Jojo followed. It felt like I needed to use every ounce of willpower in my body to avoid looking over at Jojo. My eyes stayed down, but I wanted to see her so badly, god I'm so gay. There was suddenly a splash and I knew Jojo had jumped in, I used that as an excuse to look up and jump in as well.
"God dang it." I thought to myself as I resurfaced,"JoJo's going to realise if I don't look at her the whole time we're here." I'm stuck, all I can do is look at her normally and hope she doesn't realise how attractive I find her.
I finally glanced over at Jojo, and she smiled. Her body was just as hot as I had feared, and above her beautiful eyes shined like the sky. Trying to act normal, I nonchalantly leaned over on a rock and pretended that I was relaxing. In truth though, there's no way in hell I could relax with Jojo next to me.
Suddenly, I heard Jojo shift in the water, and say,"You look amazing. That swimsuit really suits you!"
"HOLY... SHIT" I thought.
"Maybe Jojo likes me the way I like her. Maybe if I confess my feelings now, then we can spend the rest of our lives together. Maybe I can go on tour with her next time, then we won't ever have to be apart for months again."
I quickly came to my sense though, and realised that JoJo's just a nice person. She probably compliments everybody she meets, and tells them all that exact thing. I still kept a little glimmer of hope though, that maybe she actually means it.
"Thanks", I reply, still trying my best to stay as normal sounding as possible
"You look good too, your swimsuit also suits you"
I almost had an anxiety attack while saying that. I can't believe I told Jojo how I feel, but she doesn't actually know I mean it in the way I do. My insides hurt and ache, I feel happy and anxious simultaneously.
"Thanks!" Jojo replied, breaking the silence that I didn't notice until then.
"Well, looks like it's time for some Jojo games". And with that, she opened the bag she had brought along and started pulling out an unimaginable about of merchandise. Pool floats, bouncy balls, inflatable bows, unicorn rings, pool noodles with her brand on them, pink water pistols, there was everything you could dream of.
Seeing the amazement on my face, Jojo answered,"They're from a new summer deal with Target. Kids love anything that has my brand on it!"
With that, we both grabbed a water pistol and had the time of our lives. I don't think I've ever had this much fun before. Wait , I have, I also had this much fun the last time Jojo came over.

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