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Hermione's POV

"What is it?", I asked him.

"I can't tell you yet, 'Mione.",he said. "Why not?"

"You don't understand. Telling you is going to branded and we'll be branded forever."

"Oh,so you're scared of commitment? Is that it.", I asked him a little bit colder than I meant to be.

I couldn't believe after everything we'd been through together this was even an option.

To me, it sounded like he doubted our love for each other. Maybe he was scared that after telling me, he wouldn't be branded.

Meaning we weren't meant to be together. And if that was the case, we'd have to break up else we'd just wasting each others time.

Draco was quiet, just looking at me confused and apologetic. I began to use my wand to gather my books.

For Draco to have been silent for this long meant he obviously wasn't ready to amswer my question and if he was,it wasn't the answer I wanted to hear.

As my books and satchel flew across the room onto me, I got up abruptedly and grabbed them mid air.

I began to walk briskly off then Draco pulled me by the arm towards him.

"What is it, Malfoy?", I asked him. I was still pissed at him

"Nothing, Granger.", he answered coldly.

His eyes were just like they were when Ron was impersonating him, cold and closed off.

When he called me by my last name, my heart fell a little.

As I felt my eyes well up with tears, I pulled my arm out of his grasp and run all the way to the Gryffindor girls dorm.

I refused to cry in front of that jerk.

I began to finally release the tears I'd been holding in.

Crookshanks walked in, I guess he knew I was upset. I began to pet him as I cried. He kept trying to use his paws to wipe my face.

"Crookshanks, you're going to scratch me.", I said laughing slightly amidst tears.

I felt my eyes closing after a while and gave in to sleep.

Draco's POV

After Hermione left with tears in her eyes, I sat down on the floor of the ROR and wept.

Why was I so stupid? I should have just explained myself to her. Now she thinks I'm a jerk scared of commitment.

Why couldn't I tell her. Tell her how much I love her. How I would die for her if she asked me to.

I felt regret seep into my bones like cold on a winter's night.

It wasn't even Halloween yet and I'd already lost the girl I love.

I decided to go and ask my dark-eyed Italian best friend for advice.

(In the Slytherin common room)

"Blaise, I need to talk to you.", I said.

My best mate was sitting on one of the big couches cuddling his girlfriend, Astoria Greengrass.

"Mate, you look like the Knight Bus run you over a dozen times. What's wrong?"

"Astoria, can you please give us a minute.", I asked his girlfriend. "Sure, I'll be in the girls' dorm. Call me down when you guys are done.", she said in reply, targeting the last part to Blaise.

I sat down on the table in front of him and began my rant.

"Blaise I fucking messed up everything. Hermione, she found out about it."

"The ring?", he enquired. "Yeah, the ring. She found out about everything. All that was left was to tell her the inscription and you already know how I feel on that topic."

"Yeah, mate. I do.", Blaise started. "But the thing is, have you told Hermione." "No.", I answered with pursed lips.

"But you have to understand. I was going to tell her but then she started asking whether I was afraid of commitment and even expressed doubt over whether I truly love her! That's how far she went. And to be honest, hearing her speak like that broke my heart so I froze and before I knew it she packed up her stuff and left."

"Sheesh, that was a bad fight you guys had wasn't it? But the thing is, you both are suffering from miscommunication. Both of you need to sit and tell each ither all that you've been harbouring inside. "

"Thanks for the advice,mate.", I said thanking Blaise.

"So what are you going to do now?", Blaise asked.

"I don't know, I have no idea where she went. I better go look for her and let her listen to me. She's always stuck up for our relationship. It's my turn to do same.", I concluded.

"Atta boy, now go get your girl."

So that's  another  chapter down.
Things certainly aren't  going well for our couple.
Why won't  Draco just tell her the inscription?
Is he actually afraid of committing  to her?
Well we'll see in the next chapter.
If you're  enjoying  the story,
Don't  forget to
And follow me.
(I always follow back!!!!)
I'll see you lovely people in the next one.
Stay beautiful.


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