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Hermione's POV
I sit at our regular spot. Drake isn't here yet. Twelve minutes before Snape comes in. I hope he's not in trouble.

Draco's POV
I just stopped Peeves from cranking some first years. He only agreed when I told him where Filch kept the translucent ink pots.

I enter and see 'Mione sitting at our spot. I go over and kiss her behind her ear from behind, "Hey",I whisper.

"Hey to you too,"she replies. I plop onto the seat beside her . "You'rea bit late.",she said with one of her eyebrows quirked.

"Had to stop Peeves, he was trying to prank the first years." "Oh ok, Snape's not here ye-" "SILENCE.",Snape ordered swooping into the classroom with his cloak bellowing as ever.

"All Slytherins choose your partners but make sure they are Gryffindors.",he continued.

What he said bought grumblings from majority of the Slytherins and Gryffindors alike but our friends were pleased and we paired up. I was with 'Mione, Ginny with Blaise, Harry with Theodore and Lavender with Pansy.

"Today, we begin our project for the term. We will be making a high-profile potion. Every step will and must be taken with care. We will be working on Amortentia, the love potion. Amortentia causes deep infatuation with a being. This is not true love and this a defect of a child born under the potion is that the child lacks the ability to love. All the ingredients and instructions are stated in your textbook on page three hundred and ninety-four. Let's begin."

When Snape was done giving out his instructions, I told Hermione, "Stay put. I'll go for the ingredients. You get the cauldron ready." She agreed.

I returned to our table laden with everything we needed. Hermione, having heated the cauldron, poured half a cauldron of pewter duw in with five pints of salamander bile. She then stirred it clockwise thrice and anti clockwise seven times as stated in our books.

I then added the chopped the gurdy roots and grinder the beetle eyes. Hermione was about to skin the frog spawn when Snape told us to leave and that we will continue on next week. We file out of the class.

Hermione's POV
"Drake, I'm going to change. You head down alright?",I asked. "Okay", he replied. I went to our room and changed onto a long-sleeve, elastic floral crop top with its matching shorts and brown sandals.

I pass through the Great Hall and go to the yard behind Greenhouse three where muggle apple trees were bred knowing I would find Draco there.

Draco's POV
I saw Hermione walking towards me. I plucked two apples from the nearest tree and gave one to her. Hers was red and mine was green.

I handed over hers to her. She smiled and bit into it." It's delicious, Draco.", she said. I began to eat mine.

'Mione and I sat under the tree eating in silence with her head on my shoulder. I sighed. She cocked her head up abruptly, "What is it Draco?"

"I was just wondering how I was lucky enough to have all this?" "All of what?", she asked.

"You, Hogwarts, friends,being Head Boy, you, all of it.", I replied. She gave me a little smile and said , "Of all those who suffered. I think you're one of those who suffered most. So maybe the universe is trying to company you for all that suffering."

I smiled back at her and kissed her forehead. A little thank you for everything. She hugged me and then we got up to go for Dinner.

My secret was still safe. I didn't plan on it being revealed for a while. "Draco! Are you listening?", I snapped out of my daze.

"What?", I said. She began to laugh probably because of how goofy I look when dazed.

"Come on, the Great Hall and Dinner await.", I said in an imitation of Sir Cadogan. She laughed and pulled me along with her.

Hope you all are having a good day.
Guess what? I'm  updating twice today to compensate for not updating sooner.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter.
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Stay beautiful!


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