|| five ||

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" shall we explore then? what kind of question is that! " jimin retorted with a bright pink blush growing on his cheeks aswell as his flustered actions of stuffing his hands into the pockets of his hoodie and trying his best to look anywhere but Jungkook however that was quite hard for the boy.

" it's an offer jimin ... and offer which you should take " Jungkook replied , his smirk growing ever more at seeing jimins flustered face and bright pink cheeks. " I mean maybe you just aren't that into me ... " he teased with a small playful pout on his lips as he turned on his heel.

" I- no.."

" il just go eat at a restaurant by myself and go get ice cream by myself and go play in the arcade by myself ... you know life is unfair sometimes "

jimin huffed and skipped a few steps as he ran up to jungkooks side and grabbed his hand whilst yet again refusing to look at the other. " fine il come with you ... but don't think this is a date or something... we are just friends"

" just friends is good enough for me ... for the time being " Jungkook said which was met by a hit to his chest. " ow ! What was that for?!"

" just friends!"

" alright okay okay ~ just friends " Jungkook huffed and continued to walk at a moderate pace , he was happy enough that he got to hold jimins hand which of course he was not going to let go.

soon they arrived at the restaurant which of course Jungkook had chosen. " when my family first moved here .. I saw this restaurant as we were driving through town .. it looked pretty "

Jungkook was right , the restaurant was pretty. the walls were a dusty pink colour and all across the restaurant there were neon signs aswell as retro looking tables and chairs in booths like you'd see in an old movie from the 90's.

" it looks pretty" jimin confirmed and squeezed jungkooks hand in his a little. " thank you kookie"

" sweet sweet name !" Jungkook cheered and pulled jimin inside with a big bunny grin present on his face as he brought them over to a booth.

" I just said kookie "

" exactly " Jungkook said with a chuckle as he passed jimin a menu, whilst also browsing over one in his hand, of course he wasn't going to eat here... vampires can't eat ... unless he wants to spend the whole night being sick.

" I think I'm gonna have carbonara " jimin decided before expectingly looking up to Jungkook. " what are you having?"

" uh... you know what ... I had a really big lunch so I might just be okay without " he said awkwardly , reaching his hand up to scratch the back of his neck.

" oh well then " jimin paused , sighing. " snooze you loose .. this carbonara is gonna be amazing"

Jungkook relaxed in his seat , glad that jimin didn't question his choice not to eat , he wasn't exactly sure how he would last never eating in front of jimin. surely jimin would get suspicious at some point although no humans really know that vampires exist so there wasn't much worry for Jungkook.

they ordered the food and soon enough the bowl of carbonara was placed on the table in front of jimin. " yummy!" he said and didn't hesitate one bit before tucking in and eating a whole spoonful, he moaned happily as the food tasted amazing. " Jungkook you have got to try this "

Jungkook stared at the bowl of food at them to the spoon of carbonara which was held up infront of his mouth for him to try. He inhaled a deep breath before leaning forward and eating the spoonful. The food tasted delicious but he could already feel his body lurching. " it's delicious... "

" I know right " he confirmed and continued to eat away at the rest of the food whilst Jungkook inwardly quivered in the seat , his stomach groaning for eating human food.

Jungkook tilted his head to the side and made a little noise to get Jimins attention. " I um need to go to the bathroom ... il be right back" and without any word from jimin , Jungkook got up and speed walked to the bathroom. he went into one of the cubicles and locked the door before leaning over the toilet and throwing up the carbonara which he had eaten, vampires and human food do not mix.

the boy took a few minutes to regain his breath and composure before exiting the cubicle and going back out into the restaurant to sit back down.

in the time Jungkook was gone , jimin had finished all his food which was relieving to Jungkook. " hey "

" oh hey , you took awhile in the bathroom ... everything okay?"

Jungkook nodded. " yeah , everything is fine ... I was um just you know checking myself out in the mirror haha "

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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