|| four ||

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he dived straight into his art lesson , setting his canvas up on an easel and striking it with an array of colours and textures. art had been jimins escape for many years. when he was sad he would draw or paint , and when he was happy he would create his art ... it was a way of letting his emotions out and displaying them.

keeping his focus on the painting , he zoned out from the world around him. He put his complete effort into brushing the water colours all across the page, getting rid of any patches of plain white canvas. once the page has turned into a war zone of paint,  he picked up a charcoal stick and began sketching . He wasn't completely sure of what to sketch so he just did whatever first came to mind. soon the canvas was covered by the familiar face of jungkook. " a-aish " jimin murmured, slightly blushing over how he had gotten so carried away to draw this.

" that's pretty nice! " a boy appeared next to jimin his hands smudged with black paint , splotches of paint also smeared across the boys face. " I love what you did with the charcoal " he commented , snatching the charcoal from jimins hand and moving closer to the painting. Without any word from jimin he began adding more details such as glints of highlights in the eyes and contours around the face.

" wow... I thought something was missing from it" jimin smiles , his eyes curving upwards into little moon crescents. " thank you?"

" I'm yoongi! " the boy exclaimed , thrusting his hand out to shake jimins. jimin hesitated for a moment, he was sort of a clean freak and yoongi's paint stained hands were making him question touching his hands. he opted to just wave at yoongi , awkwardly scratching his neck as he saw yoongi retract his hand and drag it along his face and through his hair.

" oh my! no you just put paint all over your face ... stop stop stop " jimin gasped out , latching his hand onto yoongis shirt and dragging him over to the sink. he pulled paper towels out of the dispenser and wet them with Luke warm water before clearing the paint from yoongis face. " I'm jimin ... "

yoongi watches jimin with interest , raising his hands to be also cleaned. " I'm messy? sorry ... so jimin you seem new here? I haven't seen you here before at least.."

" wait you aren't part of this class" jimin froze , tilting his head in confusion. " you must be a older student then right? or joined early?"

yoongi laughs at jimin's confusion. " I'm a student teacher ... in training? or it's optional work... I didn't think you were entirely tuned in at the start of the class when ms lewi introduced me... you seemed to be very intrigued in just the paints and canvas"

the orange haired boy , chucked the paper towels into the ugly plastic bin. Instantly bowing his head " I'm so sorry! Il pay better attention next Time I promise "

" nah it's cute I like it... don't change jiminie "

he blushes , about to speak in retaliation but the bell rang signalling the end of this lesson. " a-ah thank you yoongi ... I guess il see you next art lesson right?"

yoongi shrugged , shuffling by jimins side back to the canvas. " I guess so ! I do also help out with many other classes so il see you around yeah!"

jimin picked up his bag , lifted the strap over his neck to keep it in place as he carefully checked the paint on his canvas was dry before picking it up and carrying it under his arm. " bye yoongi"

and with that said and done he walked out of the class , starting to head home along the quiet streets. he took a deep breath of the crisp autumn air, inhaling its sweet smell of coffee from the cafe he just passed by. autumn was most definitely his favourite season , not to hot nor cold. It was just perfect.

he fished his house keys out of his pocket as he turned down the street that would eventually lead to his house. At that moment his phone vibrated multiple times. he pulled it out and opened it seeing it was jungkooks number.


4th September 2:47 pm

- hey jimin , it's me jungkook!

- how are you?

- how was your last class?

- are we still going around Seoul together?


- hey Jungkook, I'm good thank you.

- my class was really fun ,
I made some new friends
and did some art.

- oh I thought that
you'd already gone home. 😅


- your smile is pretty.


- wait what


- so is your blush , how can one human be so cute


- yah stop saying such nice things!


- we can still go into Seoul today ,
pick a restaurant and
il take you on a date 💜


- I don't go on dates with strangers.


- hyuuungggg , I'm not even a stranger 😒


- it's alright kookie
, I'm sure you've already gone home .
I wouldn't wanna
make you come back out.


- kookie? 👁👄👁 i like the sound of that Jimin

- it's a good thing that
I'm behind you right?


- what? 💀

Sure enough there he was , the raven haired boy whom Jimin thought was far gone back home. Jungkook was leaning against a lamp post , a cocky smirk gracing his lips as he slipped his phone into his pocket and approached Jimin.

" shall we explore then park Jimin ?"

young blood || jikook || HIATUSOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara