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his short fingers pulled at the cotton shirt , adjusting how it sat on his small frame so that his collar bones were showing , doing his absolute best to try and feel like he fit in amongst the large crowds of students who flooded thorough the corridor at every passing minute like an fast paced river about to sweep him away.

an person shoved past him , nearly making him drop all of his school books and work which urgently reminded him that he really needed to find his locker and put his stuff inside. Jimin began looking at all the numbers on lockers. he was on his tippy toes so he could see over the crowds although what he least expected was to be pulled up onto somebody's shoulders like he was some rag doll.

" can you see your locker from up there ?" the raven haired spoke , keeping an steady grip on Jimin legs so he wouldn't fall however falling was in the least of jimins worries.

" who are you?" he demanded, biting his lip in nervousness.

" I'm JK" he replied coolly " see the locker yet or must I keep carrying you around the corridors huh?"

" oh hi JK " Jimin said softly , surely JK wasn't his real name , who would name their child JK. " I'm Jimin , you can let me down if you want? I'm probably too heavy anyways"

" nonono! you're lighter than a feather... i promise Jimin " JKs words reassured Jimin slightly and he refocused his attention to reading the numbers plates on each of the cobalt blue lockers until he saw it. number 7.

he pointed his hand out in the direction of it and tapped JKs shoulder with the other hand to gain his uttermost attention. " it's over there , locker number 7"

JK began cutting through the crowds to achieve their destination, only an small nod of understanding from him. once they got to the locker , Jimin was carefully put back down to earth and he immediately busied himself with stuffing unneeded items into his locker.

" ha , you know it's kinda cool ... we're locker neighbours Jimin " the locker next to his opened with the raven haired also gathering stationary.

" oh that's really fun JK , hopefully il see you in class yeah? you just started too right? maybe we will be together " he pronounced his thoughts out loud , leaning against his locker door as he stared at the combat blue metal which concealed JK behind it.

" hmm I guess your right Jimin " the locker door slammed shut , trapping the bulging notebooks and papers inside. JK offered him an dazzling smile.

Jimin felt his insides drop upon viewing the male before him. he was so handsome ! gay panic mode has definitely initiated.

" oh uh y-yeah , il see you in class then ... JK"

JK chuckled , edging closer to Jimin with an look of amusement " the name is Jungkook , see ya around Jimin " he walked straight past him and into the slowly dispersing ocean of students who crowded around the small hallway.

Jimin stood there in shock , his heart beating faster than fast. only one name in his mind , was it too early to get an crush on the first day of college. Nah.
" jungkook ..."

Authors note :

ITS BEEN AN WHILE OMG , I feel bad for not updating in ages but here it is now , chapter two of Youngblood. YAYYYYYYYYYY.

to be honest I'm actually liking this book a lot at the moment, im not exactly sure where the plot is gonna go but it's laid back and relaxed to write so I very much enjoy it.

so what did you guys think of this chapter?
we finally got to meet jungkoookookkkoookooook !
and it's jiminie's first day at college AWHHHHH 🥺

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