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Chapter 16

"So how much did you get done today?" Natalie asked Devon conversationally.

"Basically everything. Still need to put the sheets on all the beds but that's basically it. You?"


Natalie and Devon sat across from each other at the small, rickety kitchen table. A shallow bowl of microwaved macaroni and cheese sitting in front of both of them.

For a few minutes, they ate in silence. It wasn't an awkward, tense silence but it wasn't exactly comfortable either.

"Did you ever miss it?" Devon asked out of the blue, in a mused tone. Almost as if he was thinking out loud.

"Miss what?" Natalie looked up, confused.

He shrugged. "Playing. Singing. I can't imagine not doing it."

She thought about it for a second. "Sometimes I guess. Especially right after... um the whole thing. It was hard. I would just be in my bedroom and the guitar would be there, untouched. But my urge to just kind of went away."

He nodded and they finished the rest of dinner quietly. After that, they collected their bowls and rinsed them out.

Devon checked the time on his phone.

"Wow it's only 8. What're we supposed to do with all this time?"

Natalie shrugged. "We could watch some movies?"

He gave her a dubious look.

"What?" She frowned defensively. "Movies kill time."

"Fine, what did you bring?"

She gave him a mischevious grin. "Horror of course. And some romantic comedies. The usual."

This brought a smirk to Devon's lips. "I don't know why you keep on watching horror movies when you can hardly keep your eyes open during them."

She shrugged. "I don't know either. I guess in a weird way they thrill me? Anyway I'll get the popcorn and you can choose one from the ones I've stacked over there." She pointed to a rack of dvds sitting by the TV.

Five minutes later she plopped down on the couch beside him with a bowl full of buttery popcorn.

"So what did you put in?" She asked as they began fast forwarding through the commericals.

"Jaws. What else?"

"Of course." Natalie grinned and snuggled deeper into the couch.


"Eep!" Natalie whimpered before covering her eyes with her hands.. "It's coming, it's coming!"

Devon snickered beside her, calmly biting into a piece of popcorn. "You've watched this countless times and it still scares you. Now that's something."

After a few moments, she meekly peeked from between her fingers.

Just then, the shark exploded from the water and it's jaws snapped at the screen.

"AH!" Natalie cried out, and buried her face into Devon's chest.

For a second she felt his body tense up and hesitate slightly before putting his arm around her shoulders and stroking her soothingly.

"I hate sharks." Natalie mumbled into his shirt. She got a whiff of his scent. It was a cross between fresh laundry and some kind of manly smell. Axe maybe?

"But you love this movie." Devon replied with a smile in his voice.

Natalie agreed by nodding her head. She gave him another little sniff and held back a giggle at the thought of how creepy she was being.

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