A Crazy World

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Chapter 24

Natalie looked down at her phone on the passenger seat of her Audi.

Not a single text or peep from Devon since they'd gotten back. Not that she had really expected any. It was her who had told him that after they got back, everything should go back to normal. And so it was. They were both where they were supposed to be. Not talking, not acknowledging each other's existence at all. That's what she wanted, wasn't it?

She sighed and opened the little lamp light on the roof of her car and flipped out a little mirror to check her makeup. Peering outside of her car window, it looked like the party at Kyler's house was already in full swing.

Honestly, Natalie was not in the mood for a night of alcohol, loud music and sweaty dancing. There was always drama at parties, and she seriously did not have the energy to comfort any drunk and sobbing friends.

But she'd promised Reyna that she'd come, so here she was.

Natalie slid her phone into her clutch and stepped out of her car. She locked her car up and pulled down her shirt that had ridden up during the drive there.

The moment she entered the party threshold she was bombarded by a wave of loud dance music. From experience, Natalie knew she could usually find Reyna and the rest of the girls in the living room, and that's where she headed.

"Nat!" Reyna's arm shot up from a sea of people.

People saw her and either moved out of the way for her or said a quick hey. Natalie smiled at every person she passed until she reached the couch, where Reyna and their troupe had taken stake.

"Ohmygod you're finally here!" All the girls squealed at her. Lots of I missed you's and Where have you been's were said.

"Okay, okay girls!" Reyna called out and silenced them all. "I need Nat for something super important right now so you can smother her later okay?" She told them sweetly before pulling Natalie away.

"What's up Reyns?" asked Natalie.

Her best friend smiled slyly and arched a single, perfectly plucked eyebrow. "I need a wingwoman."

Natalie raised her brows right back. "Someone finally caught your eye?"

She laughed and just pointed at someone across the room.

Natalie followed her finger and spotted a cute, fair-haired boy in the corner. A smile formed on her lips.

"Oh come on Reyns, he's all alone. You can take him by yourself," she nudged her.

Reyna shrugged. "Come on, just some moral support?"

Natalie looped her arm through her best friends and pulled her to the direction of the boy. "Oh fine, what're we waiting for then?"  

As they got to a close enough distance to boy, Natalie pushed Reyna with her hip. Subtly, but enough so that her best friend stumbled into the boy. Natalie quickly loosened her arm from Reyna's and stepped back while she watched Reyna do her magic.

Reyna apologized profusely, and laughed at herself while placing a light hand on the boy's arm. Within minutes, he was looking completely mesmerized by her.

Seeing that her work was done, Natalie smiled proudly and whirled around, only to find Alia right in her face.

"Whoa, Alia. Hey. What's up?"

Alia's hand shot out and gripped Natalie arm, hard.

"I need to tell you something," she said, pulling her away.

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