Even Worse Luck

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Chapter 9

At around five in the afternoon, it started hailing. Really hard.

Clang! Natalie winced. That was an especially big one. It could've easily cracked the windshield.

"Don't you think we should stop for a bit? I swear your car's going to get battered." Natalie suggested.

Devon shook his head. "As if we're not already running late. This weather is already slowing us down. We can't stop."

Natalie huffed. "What is it with you and time? I'm sure our parents will spare us if we get there a bit later."

"Because I really don't want to be in the car with you any longer than I have to." Devon pulled one side of his lips up. 

Natalie rolled her eyes.

"Fine do what you want. But if the windshield gets shattered its your fault."

"This old van can take it." Devon patted the car.

"Really." Natalie stated sarcastically. "I'm surprised we even made it this far." 

Natalie figured that the hail would probably stop soon. So driving forward couldn't hurt too much. To her dismay though, it seemed the farther north they headed, the harder and faster the hail came down.

Bang! Natalie jumped. It sounded like a large piece of ice had caught the wheel and rattled around underneath the car. The sound of ice and metal bashing together resonated through the car. Around them, shards of ice continued to pound relentlessly. They had been previously driving on a slightly congested minor highway but now she couldn't see any other cars on the road.

"Devon... I don't think it's safe for us to be driving. Look, there aren't even any cars around us!"

Devon hesitated before peering out the windshield closely. He tried to see past the furious wipers and angry weather. Another chunk of ice began clanging under the car.

"Okay fine. But where can we park to get out of the weather?" Devon asked.

"I guess we could find a gas station. They won't mind us taking up a space will they?"

Devon nodded and turned into the next station they found. Fortunately it was deserted since no one was eager to go out and fill up their tank in this weather.

He was about to smoothly park it beside one of the pumps but suddenly the engine clattered and stopped.

"The hell." He muttered. He pressed down on the gas. The engine stayed silent and still. The hail suddenly seemed a hundred times louder. They could hear every single fragment hitting the ground.

The car was in an awkward turning position. Half was under the safety of the gas station roof and the other was still under the abuse of the hail.

"Crap." Natalie moaned and leaned against the dashboard with her head in her arms. "Can our luck get any worse?"

"It's okay. Probably just a small problem with the engine. We can get help." Devon said calmly. He opened the door and jumped out. Natalie followed.

She winced as she noticed all the new little scratches his car had obtained. She stepped backwards to regard the damage.

"Ouch! Ow!" She quickly ran back into safety. Even though she had only been under for a moment, multiple hunks of ice had been able to hit her head.

"Smart of you to step right into a hail storm." Devon smirked.

"Shut up!" She lightly touched the top of her head. "Ohmygod I think I'm bleeding!" She looked in horror at the small stain of red on the tips of her fingers.

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