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Wind. I'd often wondered what it'd take to be free like it was. To fly without the fear of falling. To touch without being touched yourself. In some ways it was a lonely existence, in others, it was everything I needed to fortify myself against my husband. Because I knew if I wasn't careful I'd fall because the games we'd started weren't like the ones we'd been indulging in before. Now I had him every night for myself, his fingertips on my skin, but by morning I was left with the ghost of him, haunting, but too far out of reach.

He ruined me with every single stroke of his tongue against mine, and I let him because it was easy to forget that all gambles ended badly when it was about him.
Though we'd fallen into a routine of sorts over the past few weeks. Some days he was even back in time for dinner and his penthouse wasn't digging into my soul with the silence. When he was around, he'd even started indulging in my questions, though I hadn't quite managed to prove that he was indeed a nerd. I was still adamant I'd catch him reading one of these days, and I think he'd caught up to me so he was being more cautious.

The other day, I'd tried sneaking into his study to prove my theory, but he'd found me before I'd even managed to open anything, and well then he distracted me when he fucked me over his desk, and told me not in so many words that next time going around him wouldn't turn out okay for me.

I'd also gotten close to Alex, and Roberto, who I'd been told went to Columbia to study business. According to him, he wasn't interested in being inducted, not that he had the guts to stomach all the bloodshot. The latter was Alex's words, of course. It was also Roberto's birthday tonight, and Lorenzo had agreed to let him use his penthouse for the night. I'd never taken Lorenzo to allow anyone to be in his personal space, let alone a group of rowdy college kids, but I suppose his rules never seemed to apply to his family.

"Andrea," someone nudged my shoulder, and I turned my head to face Alex, "where'd you go?"
"Nowhere," I smiled, shaking my head, "you were saying something?"
"Yeah, you're done." She pointed toward the mirror, and I followed her finger with my eyes, startled when I saw myself in the mirror.
It was a bold look alright.

Much different than what I'd gone for before.

"It--It's fierce." I stammered, and Alex nodded,
"That's the point." She said before fixing the curls falling over my shoulder. "Sometimes, a girl just needs a little classic red lip."
"For?" I arched my brow, amused and uncertain all the same.
"To get what you want of course." She shrugged before leaning over the dresser and applying mascara to her eyelashes.

She'd gone for a burgundy net top with a plunging neckline, black leather pants, and black ankle boots, and her brown hair fell over her shoulder in soft waves. She'd decided to show off the tattoo on her neck of a tiny red Scorpio with a rose for a tail, disintegrating into small butterflies. Alexandra had a lot of tattoos, some visible, others weren't. One of her other tattoos was on her finger, it was a tiny moon, and her other finger had a constellation. Meanwhile, I'd gone for a classic white crop-top with high-waisted white pants, after all, I was just one of the gracious hosts. Alex, was also a completing her MBA, yes this girl had her plate full, and still managed to make it look easy, Roberto however, was a sophomore.

"What do your tattoos mean, anyway?" I asked as I got up from in front of the mirror, giving her more room to maneuver.

"Some don't mean anything," Alex shrugged just as Eva came in, already dressed up in a silk dress that fell a couple of inches above her knees. Alex's face lit up when she saw Eva and Eva hugged her from behind before hugging me and standing beside me. I'd gotten to know her a little over the past few weeks, and while she mostly stayed to herself, the small number of times she got comfortable with the company, I'd found that she was quite charming.

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