Deadly Obsession

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Children are known to be such curious and inquisitive creatures, holding a special sort innocence and the genuine thirst of knowing at a young age. 

"Kaa-san! Please don't laugh at me!" Tsuna whined, his ears flushing beet red as Nana strutted around the good old photo album of his life. 

His mother did do well on her promise that if Tsuna puts the wrong foot forward, then he'll never live down what she'll do in return. 

Who could have thought that Reborn sold Nana some sneak peaks of when he was training to be Decimo? Not him, obviously.

And parents? You can never really guess what goes on in their mind, but they really love to embarrass their children. 

Not that Tsuna really minds. He loves his mother for everything that she is.

Besides, he'd somewhat been desensitized to embarrassment ever since his streaking incident whenever Reborn shot him with a dying will bullet. 

If he dwells on his shame and shattered pride then he'd long be decaying under his grave.

"But Tenth! You look amazing in this picture!" Hayato screamed, green eyes gleaming with fascination and adoration. 

Tsuna could only wish that his picture in a gothic outfit when he was eight, with that embarrassing thing his little pouty lips would turn in an imitation of a scowl but looks more of a wobbly baby about to cry, didn't do much for his plastered pride.

Nana peered at the picture in the silveret's hand before giggling to herself. "Oh, that was the time when Tsuna was in love with vampires!" She cooed. 

Tsuna wanted to melt in the lavish seats of his mansion. His hands trying to cover his face in exasperation. 

That obsession of his got him teased a lot because everyone said he looked nothing like a vampire except for his pale skin. 

He could even remember the class bully trying to act scared and mocking him that no, vampires don't eat human food, they drink blood. 

Rude, that kid was. 

"Heh~. How about this one, Maman?" Lambo scooted closer at the older brunet, pointing to a picture of Tsuna who looked as if he saw heaven in the comic shop. 

It didn't help that Tsuna's doe eyes appeared to grow larger, enhancing the cuteness factor of it.

Takeshi peaked at the pointed picture, his smile widening in fondness and surprise. "I remember that store! We used to come there all the time when I was a kid. I think it was shut down because of a fire." Blue eyes glazed over in remembrance of a young Takeshi dashing to the store only to find it in ashes. "Such a shame it happened."

"Yes, Tsuna was crying his heart out that day because he wanted to see the next edition of his favorite comic book." Nana endearingly smiled, her left hand on her cheek. 

"It was a good series." Tsuna pouted, looking away as the blush on his face deepened. 

"U-Uhm," Chrome gestured in a flustered voice, still too shy to casually interact. "H-How about this one, Nana-san?" She asks. 

In Chrome's pale hand is a picture of Tsuna. Holding a knife. And unidentified, mangled, dead fish on a chopping board. With blood splattered across his chubby cheeks coupled with his innocent and happy smile. When Tsuna was all but 10 years old as according to the written date behind the picture. 

The living room grew dead and silent. 

Hayato gulped down the dread in his stomach, his mind flashing back to the night he was threatened in the kitchen. 

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