Body Language

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It's kill or be killed in the mafia. Everyone knows that. Tsuna knows that. There's no way he could forget Reborn's lesson or he'd risk losing his mind on training. 

Lesson #27 : Body language could tell you a lot about someone. So pay attention to that dame-Tsuna.

So Tsuna learned how habits and preferences worked and why someone have such a habit. 

"Kyoya won't hurt Liam, Hayato." Tsuna drank his steaming hot chocolate, watching over the lush garden from the balcony of the Vongola mansion. "Well, a few broken bones, as usual, but nothing fatal to land him in Shamal's care, at the very least."

Hayato blanched, his face chalk white at the image of the new addition to Kyoya's group with protruding bones and an unidentified disfigured face. 

'That doesn't make me feel at ease at all!' 

It wasn't actually the first time Kyoya had beaten the shit out of his new recruits just because he didn't like them. In fact, those guys he'd incapacitated were often brought in to Shamal's hating care or, if worse comes to worst, were delivered to the morgue to be examined. 

Poor bastards. 

"He'd be dead meat. You know Liam would be wishing he should've just ended up dead by the end of the day." Hayato reminded the brunet in a as-a-matter-of-fact tone. "I can't even listen to animal channel without wincing because of him." 

Tsuna sweatdropped at that but didn't miss how Hayato's feet subconsciously shuffled closer to him after saying those words. How the silveret's eyes wondered around in panic as if what he said, such a funny thing to hear, would summon the demon prefect. 

He immediately realized that it's Hayato's own act to protect him or so he could bolt away at first sight of the skylark with him in tow. 

Probably both. Whatever happens first. 

Tsuna mentally shrugged at the thought, opting to drinking his warm beverage with delight. He'll simply deal with it when it happens. 

"Tenth, you know how Kyoya acts around those weaker than him. He'd murder the new kid just because he could get away with it, and he'd always have evidence as to why to boot!" Hayato was hysterical by that point. His hands were clammy and shivering from remembering what the prefect's reasons had been when he was assigned to sorting the paperwork. 

I mean, who gets killed because of stealing Kyoya's album of Hibird? Let me tell you, it's the unfortunate soul who stumbled upon it on his desk, that's who!

Tsuna's face stayed as serene as ever.

"That's funny, Hayato. Kyoya isn't an idiot. He knows the trouble he's digging himself in." The brunet's laughter sounds like the mellow sound of tinkling bells. The mirth in his eyes playing a song of mischief. 


"No, there won't be dead bodies this time. Or mangled victims. Or injured staff. I made sure of that." The conviction in Tsuna's voice sounds like how Reborn promises that he'd put a bullet through their heads if they screwed something up.

It scared Hayato. 

"Though if we did end up with traumatized staff and a dead recruit, well, I think strapping Kyoya down while we show him a video of a vandalized Namimori would be a nice punishment." 

'Kyoya, I hope you haven't killed anyone yet.' He prayed to the poor soul. 

Really, Hayato's getting scared of his boss. 

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