First Impressions

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Tsuna is always under that silent impression that if someone doesn't like him, then that same person probably hates him somehow, or simply doesn't like him enough to make his life miserable at some cost or another.

It didn't help much for his pessimistic view of his self when he actually grew up being targeted by EVERYONE he knew, that's sparing his lovely mother of course.

To start of, his wayward father nearly dropped him on his head; nearly breaking his neck when he was a child if not for his intuition somehow saving his butt by wailing his lungs out to call for his mother, pleading to take him from this madman who somehow managed to enter their house.

"Iemitsu, dear, please hold him properly or you'll be the one breaking your neck when I get up from this bed." A smiling Nana once told her sweating husband during that one time she caught a bad cold and Iemitsu was thankfully home. "If you make him cry one more time... I'll make you remember the reason why the Hibari Clan listens to me." 

Tsuna doesn't really remember what happened after that (probably more times his father nearly pushing his life to an instant K.O. and bribing him with sweets so he doesn't cry) but it's one of the reasons why he had grown skittish.

Then, his bullies grew from a few to many, which didn't mean much now that he's an actual Don to the mafia's strongest family, but they did a lot of damage on his self-esteem back then.

"Look at you, Dame-Tsuna! You're weak! Who would protect you from people like us!" A bully vehemently shouted, towering over him, as they approached the trembling Sky like approaching a cornered animal. Their gangster-like appearance did not help their cause of befriending the poor kid.

From that experience, he might have learned to take a few personal vendettas before completely dropping the idea off his mind, because he couldn't, shouldn't, be petty like his guardians. He would admit that sending Kyoya to that one famiglia that managed to tick him off was overkill... It was truly good call that he was passing by that area after attending I-Pin's awarding ceremony for winning her martial arts tournament. The last that he heard of the Sereno Famiglia was them being converted to a cult of some kind... his intuition insisted that he doesn't have to know about that detail.

"Juudaime... you didn't inform me you have another group of devoted followers," Hayato mused out as he glanced at the post-it note stuck on top of his desk. "I'll have to induct them to our ways before I allow you to meet them cause the last group I brought here who wasn't oriented to The Golden Rules immediately fainted when they met you. I remember one of them even having a nosebleed from seeing your smile."

Tsuna decided then and there that yes, he doesn't want to know.

Of course, Tsuna was still licking his wounded pride for what life gives him when Reborn, in all his glorious and devilish infant form, suddenly comes kicking down his door and his life was thrown off the line.

"I never knew you had Namimori under your thumb, dame-Tsuna," the hitman deadpanned, his suit having a few signs of wear and tear from dodging teenagers who somehow managed to accurately wield projectiles when they heard he was going to meet with his new student.

Tsuna choked on his drink and nearly cried as explained that, "No Reborn! Those are bullies! BULLIES!!!".

At this point, Tsuna can proudly say that his life is quite similar to jumping off a plane without a parachute, and he had done that last year when the sadistic tutor of his kicked him off of the helicopter they're riding while passing over the mouth of an active volcano. 

Reborn, the sadistic bastard, gave him a chance to either live or have his mother visit that place for his funeral... 

"Reborn-san, you know the boss' protection cult won't let you sleep easily for a week, right?" Chrome asked, her eyes shadowed by her bangs.

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