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Kaminari Denki is a killer.

Not many know that.

Assassins are rare in the hero era, which is nowadays. However, Kaminari was born into it.

His whole family was filled with assassins. That’s all they ever were.



Denki accepted the fact that he’d be trained like one, but he wanted to be a hero. When telling his mom, she merely smiled, replying something like, “Who do you think actually end the bad guys behind the curtain, Denki? It is us. We are the Kaminaris. We are selected the be the shadow heroes. The ones behind the scene.”

Denki was four when his quirk came in, the most powerful in the family. He was four when his training started. He learned meticulous control of his quirk, control that he desperately needed.

Denki was twelve when he learned that the people who chose their family was the Hero Commission. Denki was twelve when his understanding of society crumbled, only to be reformed after.

Denki was thirteen when he took his first mission. It was then that he understood why, why the Hero Commission chose them. They were bred for this. Their stature, their quirk, everything. But Denki, a child, was still bitter.

Denki was fourteen when he fully understood how corrupt the Hero Commission was. How corrupt the society they created was. He had previously ignored it, but now, he couldn’t afford to.

Denki Kaminari was put in an Assassination Classroom, his final exam before he could get his assassin license.

Denki wished he didn’t pass. The person he had to kill- Koro-sensei- was the best teacher he had ever had. Did it matter? No, not to anyone other than the tragedy that was Class 3-E. No one cared. And that shattered Denki.

Where’s Class 3-E now? They’re scattered, stuck taking missions as mere highschool students. Oh yeah, they’re in high school now. Denki’s mission was one he knew he would regret taking.

He didn’t have much of a choice.

He never had a choice.

Of course, Class 3-E kept in contact, it was necessary. They were Japan’s “last defense” or so the Hero Commission called them that to hide their existence from Heroes, Villains, and Vigilantes alike.

What a joke. Japan’s “last defense” being the assassins of society. The killers hidden in between normal people and those extravagant enough to become heroes, villains, or vigilantes.

A sixth of those assassins being high school students, that started in middle school.

If this was a joke, Denki was sure he would’ve died of laughter. But it wasn’t. This was Denki’s- and everyone from Class 3-E’s - life. And they couldn’t change it. They don’t have a choice.

Once again, Denki didn’t have a choice.

What’s new?

Now back to Denki’s mission. Principal Nedzu was an acquaintance he had met while he was with Koro-sensei. Surprisingly, Nedzu and Koro-sensei were rather good friends. Nedzu helped Denki get his quirk, his skills, and nearly everything.

Nedzu was everything Denki had left after Koro-sensei. His ‘family’, his mother, his dad, his siblings, they were all killed off when trying to assassinate Koro-sensei.

All because it wasn’t their mission.

Kaminari Denki, now a ward of the Hero Commission (Much like a certain Hawk hero), wanted out of this as fast as possible. Becoming a villain was a definite no, and vigilante? Unthinkable.

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