Chapter 5

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I sat next to Carlos at the table, cutting into my food. I had stayed silent almost the entire time, still trying to get over the fact that Carlos' father was coming over for her birthday, which meant Carlos' siblings were coming over. His sisters, Evelyne and Audrey, were tne and eleven, Audrey being Carlos' twin. They both think I'm not "fit" to be a princess since I was so adventerous, at least as adventerous as a princess could be. His brothers, Anthony (Tony), Zachery (Zac), and David were fourteen, sixteen, and twenty. Tony loves to explore as much as I do, but he isn't very good at dodging things and enjoys teasing me about how young I am. Zac is a figure skater, and whenever he gets the chance, he tries to out do me, though he fails miserbaly, much to my amusment. David, on the other hand, is caring and kind, knowing just how to comfort a sad or angry family member or friend.

"Courtney? Are you all right?" Carlos whispered in my ear. 

"Yes, just thinkging." I whispered back. I smiled up at him, and he smiled back. "I'm excited to have my ball on the ice."

"You love the ice, don't you?" Carlos asked.

I nodded. The Ice was a place where I could dream about playing hockey. 

"Courtney, darling, would you like to put on a show for your birthday? I know how much you love to perform, and Carlos could do it with you." Sofia said, interrupting what could have been a real friendly conversation between Carlos and me.

I smiled at her. "Yes, I would love that." But, as always, I didn't want to do it with Carlos. 

Looks like we've got some practicing to do. I though.

After dinner, Carlos escorted me to my room, talking almost non stop about our routine and whether or not we should have matching costumes. He's a boy! I though girls were supposed to talk about those things.

"Good night, Carlos. I'll see you in the morning. When do you want to start planning our routine?"

"How about after breakfast?"

"All right. I"ll see you then." I smiled and shut the door. I quickly changed into my pajamas, grabbed the diary, and climbed into my king bed, glad that Rosa was in her own room. Since it was night, I decided it was safe to read.

Dear Diary,
It has been nearly two months since I have written. Mother, Grandmother, John's mother and grandmother and John and I had been working every minute of every day planning the wedding, and I am now married. The wedding was a large one with over 3,000 people there. I wore a white dress with a thick string of pearls on the waits and more pearls studding the neck and the sleeves. The hem was practically made of diamonds. My hair was pulled back into a tight bun and I wore a diamond tiara. Of course, the wedding has held in the castle's church. The walls were decorated with white lanters and the chairs were decorated with whire roses. I felt like I was floating the entire time, and I had butterflies in my stomach. After the wedding was the coronation. We were made husband and wife, king and queen in one day. 
Our honey moon was in Paris, France and we sure attracted a lot of attention. News spreads quickly when you're new royal couple are on a honeymoon. News reporters surrounded us with their cameras and microphones, writing down things we said for their papers. We were careful not to say anything we would regret.

I blinked. A dress practically made of pearls and diamonds? Who in their right mind would wear something like that? And why not go somewhere like Hawii for your honeymoon? I turned back to the diary.

Dear Diary,
Today was a busy day. John and I signed paper after paper, giving permission to a large oil company to dig somehwere(I can't remember where). We also worked to move a few of the servants to different rooms instead of the bug infested ones they had before. I helped to plan dinner for when Mother and Father fome to visit. It's hard to talk with the cooks when they think they are in charge of the kitchen. I am never going back to that place. It is no place for a queen. If I ever have a daughter, I will certainly keep her away from  the kitchen.

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