Chapter 3

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"Rosa, can you help me find a dress that isn't so... dressy?" I called from my over sized closet. 

"You're a princess. You need to dress like one." Rosa repsonded, using one of my mother's favorite lines.

I frowned and cossed my arms. "I'm going to a hockey game, not a party. Driving up in a limo and showing up with body guards is embarassing enough. I'm trying to blend it." I tell her, glad that Mother can't hear that. She would be so mad if I said that while she was in the room.

Rosa just chuckled. "That's hard to do with a limo and bodyguards."

I sighed. "True. But I still wnat to dress as normally as possible." I began to go through my dresses and settled on a blue dress that wasn't as formal as my hundreds of others. I slipped on a pair of white flats and had Rosa braid my hair. 

A knock came on the door. Rosa answered it and Davis stepped in, bowing low. I giggled, taking his arm as he escorted me to one of the many limos my father owns.

As we passed the library, I remembered the diary.

I'll get it when we come back.

"Okay, Davis, when we get there, please don't call me 'Princess'. Call me 'Courtney'. And tell the body guards to stay in the limo, by my orders." I said, taking a seat.

"No can do to either of your requests. Queen's orders. She warned me ahead of time that you'd say that and told me not to listen to them."

"Perfect. Just perfect." I grumbled. "Now any news reporter there will be asking for an interview." I hated interviews. I wasn't very good at giving speeches or answering their endless questions. 

"What's wrong with that?" Davis asked as the car began to move. 

"I don't like it when they want interviews. They always say they will only take a few minutes of my time and then it really takes up to an hour. Just because I'm a princess doesn't mean that I have all the time in the woalrd to answer questions and pose for pictures. Although I suppose that would be better than learning about consellations or which fork is for which course."

Davis laughed. "Sounds like being a princess isn't all it's cut out to be."

"Not at all." She laughed. She dicided to change the subject. "I wish Rosa could have come."

"What, instead of me?" Davis asked, mocking and insulted face.

"You know what I mean, Davis." I said, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes. "I wish she could have come with us."

"Yeah, whatever." Davis chuckled. We rods the rest of the way in scilence. As soon as they drove up to the stadium, I sank down in my seat, knowing people were starring and gaping. I waited until one of my body gaurds opened my door before stepping gracefully out. Davis followed, waving away people who wanted to take pictures or aske questions. My two body guards blcoked people's cameras and led me inside while I just smiled and waved politley. Once I stepped inside to take a seat and wait, the practicing players all stopped one by one to stare in amazment at me. A few even took their helmets off to reveal dropped jaws. I smiled and waved.

"Davis, could you please tell them to retruen to practicing?" I begged as I sat down. "I don't like them all starring at me." 

Davis shouted out her request, adding "by order of Princess Courtney" at the end, causing me to cringe and nudge him hard in the side.

I watched the players practice, wishing Mother allowed me to play. But, as Mother reminded me so often, I was a princess, and as princess, I must only do things that involve grace and beauty, such as figure skating. I loved figure skating, of course, but I loved hockey more. In figure skating... well, I already explained that to you guys.

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