Chapter 1

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Robin grunts as he's thrown into the wall. When Batman said this was going to be an easy mission, he should've guessed he meant easy for League members.

But he also shouldn't be complaining since he ran ahead of the team thinking he could take on a superpowered gorilla so if anything, this is on him.

'So, Boy Wonder...You thought you can take me on all by yourself??'

Robin grimaces, he did not like the idea of a fucking gorilla snooping around in his head.

"Well yeah, maybe this is going as well as I expected..."

Grodd waits, expecting him to say more.

But he doesn't, instead, he takes off running in the opposite direction as fast as he could.

Robin skids to a stop as a woman in a blue suit appears out of thin air.

Intinsticly, Robin grabs a Batarang from his belt and throws it at her.

The woman just teleports next to him.

"Dick Grayson."

"How- How do you know my name?" Robin lowers his fists.

"I am Harbinger, I was sent to come get you." The Woman looks down at him, almost in sympathy??

"By who?"

"The Multiverse is in danger, Robin." She now uses his codename. "I need you to come with me."

"Multiverse? I-" Robin looks down before looking back at Harbinger. "We should contact the League, they'll know what to do."

Harbinger's lips thin.

"Rob? Where are you, dude?"

"Wally I need-" Robin starts but is cut off as a blinding light surrounds him.

He feels his feet leaving the ground and squeezes his eyes shut, only opening them when he's back on the ground.

Robin looks around, he was in some sort of building, and sunlight was coming through some window in the back. He looks next to him only to be startled.

There was Flash, Green Arrow, Superman, but who the hell are these other people?

"We're on Earth-38...Kara- How did we get here?"

"I- I don't know I-" The girl, or Kara, suddenly stops as she faces Robin. "I'm sorry who are you?"

Robin looks at the symbol on her chest. "I could ask you the same question."

Harbinger walks up to them. "This is Robin-"

"Wait Robin?" The blonde girl speaks up. "As in Batman and Robin? The story?"

"Story!? What do you mean-"

"Yeah the bedtime story everyone grows up hearing." The girl spoke as if it was obvious. "Didn't think you were actually real..."

"Mia-" The Green Arrow interjects

"See I told you he was real!" The Flash elbows the Green Arrow with a goofy grin before walking up to Robin.

"Hi, I'm Barry Allen, or The-"

"The Flash,Green Arrow and Superman, I got that." He points them in order before spinning around and facing Kara, and the other girls. "Who are you guys?"

"Especially you." He points at the woman dressed awfully like Batman.

"I'm Supergirl."

"Mia, Green Arrow's daughter."

"I- Uh..." The woman dressed like Batman takes off her cowl. "Kate. Kate Kane or I guess the people call me Batwoman."

"Of course she is..." The Green Arrow sighs.

Kate looks at Robin with a glint of hope in her eyes, while Robin looks at her with suspicion.

"Okay great so we all know each other now, but can someone explain to me why I'm here?" Robin faces Harbinger. "Why not the League?"

"What's the League? "

Robin faces them. " 'What's the League?' That's what you are."


"You know we've never officially gave ourselves a name..."

"Why would we need a name?"

"Because this is a yearly thing isn't it? We all band together to fight some bad guys and-"

"Enough!" Green Arrow raises his voice before addressing Robin and the rest. "Listen we'll talk about a name later right now I think the kid want's answers..."

Robin nods.

They all face Harbinger who beckons them to follow her.

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