Chapter 8

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 Dick stands next to Ray watching him toy with the paragon detector, which by the way, stupid name. 

"How much longer is this going to take?" Kate sighs, obviously annoyed. 

"Hey, it's uh repairing a Paragon Detector, okay?" Ray looks up at her. "Very complex stuff."

"Someone call for backup?" 

Dick turns to the newly arrived group. "Who-"

" Cisco, thank goodness! I need another genius intellect, stat."

Cisco smiles, "That's what I'm here for."

. "And that is a Super dopplaganger which is Super weird...And you are-???" 

"Right um, everyone this is Dick Grayson also known as Robin." Barry walks up to them, Iris by his side. "Dick this is Cisco, Killer Frost, and Ralph Dibny." 

"Holy all-star squadron...." Ralph breathed out.

"Ignore him, it's his first crossover." Killer Frost rolled her eyes. 

Dick raised his brow in question, "Crossover? That what we're calling this?"

"Listen," Barry ingores him. "the antimatter wave is still ripping its way across the multiverse. We have to get everyone to safety."

"Calculations still show that Earth-1 will be the last place for the wave to hit." Clark assures Barry.

J'onn walks into the room. "I just heard from Alex and Brainy on Earth-1. Everyone we saved from Earth-38 is still accounted for."

"Then we should bring as many people to Earth-1 as we can - in the time being." Other Clark, maybe Dick should come up with a name for him so it doesn't get confusing...maybe Brandon?, spoke up.

Let's get a rescue team together, save who we can across the multiverse. I can use my psychic abilities to stay in connection with the Waverider."

"I'll come as well." 

"Well, parallel Earth Rory still has Jonathan, so I'll run comms and keep everyone updated." Lois smiles. 

As they all go to leave J'onn stays behind, "Supergirl?"

"I'll stay here. We have to find a way to get our world back." 

On the other side of the room Cisco let's out a fustrated sigh. 

"This isn't working."

"That's what I've been telling you."

Dick rolls his eyes as Ray and Cisco continue to argue.

"Excuse me," He reaches over and starts typing.

"Hey uh kid, we appreacaite the help but there's nothing you can do. But this is a job for the grownups-" Cisco starts but is cut off with a chime from the computer, showing that the paragon finder activated. 

"Hey! It's working!" Ray smiles. 

"You were saying?" Dick smirks at Cisco who stares at him in shock. 

The rest walk up to them. On the screen shows Kara as the paragon of hope, parallel Clark  as the paragon of truth, Kate as the paragon of courage, and Sarah as the paragon of destiny. 

"The thing's broken. We already know all that." Barry crosses his arms. 

"You know maybe you didn't do this correctly-"

"Give it a second." Dick cuts Cisco off.

Suddenly a picture of J'onn pops up as the paragon of honor.

"Huh why am I not surprised." Kara crosses her arms.

Next is Barry as the paragon of love. 

"That's new- Uh." Barry stares in shock. 

"Uhm who the hell is that?" Ralph questions. 

"Dr. Ryan Choi, physics professor at Ivy Town University on our Earth." 

"Huh look there's still one missing." Kara points out. 

"Yeah give me a second." Dick types a few keys and then, "Holy shit."

"Dick Grayson, paragon of integrity..." Barry read aloud. 

"Huh..." Kate pats his shoulder. 

Dick stares at the screen. "I really hate that fucking picture."

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