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The cold bedrooms of number twelve, were hardly a space that promotes sleep. The walls were peeling and the blankets moth bitten. The air of the house was eery, with the ghost whispers of house elves that mounted the walls, or the shrieks from the portrait of Ms. Black. Hermione turned over in her bed, trying desperately to fall asleep with the thought of Hogwarts in mind, when she heard the creak of a floorboard.

"Ginny!" She whispered, lifting her head to notice the other girl in the room fast asleep.

She squinted, noticing something was moving underneath the crack of the door. Cautiously she swung her feet to the floor, and tiptoed across the wooden surface. Her fingers grazed the rusty doorknob. As she threw open the door, she was met with the stocky figure.

"You!" She narrowed her eyes, about to shout him out, but his own finger was now pressed to her lips to silence her. He slowly retracted his hand, but she didn't utter a single word as her eyes traced the flesh that had been against her own. She looked to his eyes that were a deep black, and noticed his Adam's apple shift as he swallowed.

"Look, you can't talk." He started, as if the direct finger silencing hadn't been enough. "We'll wake the portrait." He said in a hushed tone, that could be felt on her ear.

"What are you doing outside my room?" Hermione spat, moving to cross her arms.

"I'm guarding it."

Hermione simply could not stand this boy, and her face showed it. "You're guarding it! Whatever for?"

He walked closer causing her to step back as he crossed the threshold and shut the door. "Mrs. Weasley instructed I watch to make sure the children didn't leave their rooms."

"Am I a child?" She retorted, knowing quite well he could hardly be much older. It was quite belittling. 

He smirked. Even in the faint shadows this expression infuriated her. "I've had it!" She whispered angrily. She grabbed him by his shoulders and started to shove him towards the door. "Get out!"

He chuckled slightly as she leaned against him, huffing as he barely shifted from her force.

Hermione was growing irritable. She withdrew her wand and pointed it directly at his chest. "Perhaps I didn't make myself clear."

He held up his hands defensively. "Okay, I'm leaving." 

She made sure to lock the door with an audible click once he had left. Still riled she ran a hand through her hair, sitting down on her bed. 

The following morning dawned, and the outside was grey and rainy. Hermione was woken to a squealing Ginerva Weasley.

"What ever are you so excited about?" Hermione questioned with a small smile, as Ginny grabbed onto Hermione's wrist and pulled her from her bed.

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