The Arrival

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"What do you think they are talking about?" Ginny asked, leaning over the stair banner, as did the other teenagers of Grimmuald place.

"Crookshanks no!" Hermione whispered, toward her cat, who was watching the extendable ear as they continued to lower it to the levels below.

The order had been in a meeting for what felt at least an hour, leading to growing impatience among those excluded.

"There." Fred said proudly as the magical ear was positioned right by the door, in which the voices from within could now be understood.

"I don't understand why we must have, yet another; no offense Remus, but we can't trust others like we can you." Molly Weasley heaved in a worried tone.

"Molly, we thought you would be most accepting, as it's for the greatest protection, Especially that of the children." Remus replied calmly.

"I agree with Molly, for how can we be certain it won't attack, or better yet, it's ties with the Black family shouldn't be trusted. It's obvious this outsider has no loyalties to us and could easily flip to aid the dark Lord." The voice of Professor Snape drawled.

"May I remind you it is upon Albus's suggestion." Kingsley Shakelbolt reminded politely.

"When is he due to arrive Sirius?" Arthur asked kindly.

But just then, before they all could hear the answer, in which they all were very curious to know, Crookshanks had grabbed the ear within her jaw and dragged it away. "Bad kitty!" Hermione scorned.

"Who do you think they were talking about?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, but by the sound of it he's not trustworthy." Hermione said honestly, having a bad feeling about the situation.

"No! Snape just doesn't trust him because, well whoever it is, seems to be friends with Sirius. And I trust Dumbledore."

"Do you suppose they'll tell us about this person, or will they try to keep it a secret?" Ron asked.

"Knowing mum and Dad, they'll make up some lie, that he's a guest or something." Ginny said rolling her eyes. "I don't understand why they don't trust us?"

There was a distant noise, almost like the click of a lock. "Did you hear that?" Harry asked, peering over the stair railing.

The rest copied, trying to get a better view of the entrance hall.

The front door, at the end of the Hallway was just visible. They watched as the doorknob turned, slowly, and then the door pushed open. Naturally the portrait stuck on the wall had woke, and Mrs. Black began screaming a slur of words-"filthy dog, traitor.."

There was a stir from within the kitchen from the noise, Sure enough any second the room would empty into the entry hall to greet the—intruder.

Though as soon as he walked through the door, they had gotten a look of this person. He was male, though didn't look older than twenty, had dark hair, a solid expression, and a very built body. Not much was left to interpretation, as he wore no shirt, but simply a pair of jeans. He had a bag slung over his shoulders, and walked with unslouched shoulders toward the kitchen door. As they watched from above, the one thing that stood out, was the circle like tattoo printed on his right shoulder.

As soon as the kitchen door opened, Remus taking the boy into a hug, the teens, all stunned slightly, withdrew to their rooms as not to be caught eavesdropping.

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