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Number twelve Grimmauld Place, with dreary tapestries and upholstery still managed to be a comfortable place to Hermione.  That was at least until the space was being shared with the new bodyguard.

Breakfast the following morning was unusually silent.  Harry and Ron were quietly held in conversation, while Hermione was left to read the prophet.  Her eyes were skimming over the paper until he walked in.  Her eyes instantly flicked over the item that provided a summary of the countless of deaths and mystery dissapearances, eyeing the male with both resentment and curiosity.  He sat down across from her, her eyes directed back to the prophet. 

"Top of the morning, That is a British saying right?" Jacob mocked in a low whisper.

Hermione slowly lowered her paper arching an eyebrow at his statement. "If you think I am going to engage politely in conversation with someone who had the indecency to insult me and my books five hours prior, then you are greatly mistaken." 

"Yes, someone who was snooping about who I was.  Sorry if I insulted you." He retorted with equal bitterness.

Hermione looked back to the prophet.  She let out a stiff sigh in attempts to keep herself from saying anything further.  She could sense his unrelenting gaze from the other side of the paper, unable to bear it she dramatically folded it up, provided a "I'm not hungry". And excused herself from the kitchen.

His eyes followed her until she left. He smirked to himself, and accepted the plate of pancakes Mrs.Weasley had made.

"Oi, Mate-". Ron called down the table. "I wouldn't mind her. She is very stubborn, hates being challenged or wrong. You'll get used to Hermione though. She'll come around. She always does." The boy supplied, and then continued to eat his third helping.

After he finished eating his breakfast, Jacob caught sight of the girl leaving the drawing room to climb the stairs. She threw him an annoyed glance over her shoulder as she did so.

"What are you reading?" He Inquired.

She halted a level up, then pivoted one hand gripping the banister the other her book. "Hogwarts a History." She replied bitterly, to him below.

"I didn't mean to offend you."

"Hadn't you?" She asked rehotorically, with an air of superiority. "Just mind your own, and then we can live civilly."

Jacob climbed the stairs in lightning speed. He stood before her, causing her to step back and cross her arms. "I have to mind you all. I was hired for-"

"Our protection. As if that implies you need to constantly invade my space and inquire what I'm reading?" She asked aghast. "Can you not just stick to some post and prowl the perimeter if you must?"

"We can be conversational though."

"No. I do not like you. Your arrogance and confidence is-"

"Intimidating?" He teased, his eyes amused.

"Incorrigible." She stated with a huff. "Now if you don't mind, I'll be in my room."

She turned on her heel, and continued to ascend the steps. He heard the sound of her door close, remaining where he stood. He couldn't help but laugh at how annoyed she got due to his own accord.

Over the next few days Jacob paid mind to obey the girls request. She wanted space so he gave it. They avoided the same rooms as much as possible. He never started a conversation, and when her eyes would flick to him, he would glance away and smirk. This riled Hermione to all end.

At one particular point, he walked by the drawing room from the front to the kitchen basement. He glanced her way, then continued on.

"Oh that is it!" She cried. "The nerve."

"Hermione he hasn't even done anything." Harry pointed out.

Ginny grinned, as she watched Hermione march out of the room. "That's exactly the problem Harry. He hasn't done anything."

"What?" He asked rightly confused towards Ginny.

"You may never understand Women." She giggled, and his cheeks blushed.

Hermione entered the kitchen to confront the arrogant prick, but stopped in her tracks when she noticed Sirius sitting at the table with his gaze on her. "Ah Hermione. You've been aquatinted with my cousin?" He asked, slapping a hand on the back of Jacob.

"Yes." She answered, trying to hide any coldness to her voice for Sirius's sake. Although she didn't see how the boy being his cousin helped. Bellatrix was his cousin as well. Family lines proved nothing of loyalty or character.

"There is no need Sirius. I know where I'm not wanted." He mumbled sadly. Though as he brushed past her he through her yet again a very amused expression.

Sirius looked at the girl peculiarly. "Well um. Good afternoon." She said awkwardly before leaving the kitchen.

She left and pulled the door closed behind her to find him waiting in the hallway. She was so tempted to just walk past him with her dignity held high. Though her stubbornness was outset by her mocked intelligence.

"What are you playing at?" She asked.

"Nothing." He shrugged. "I'm simply giving you space as you suggested."

"No-" She started. "You are constantly smirking at my expense. You are purposely trying to irritate me and-".

"Well if that were true, which it isn't it would have worked."

"So That is your intention then." She scoffed.

"Are you sure I'm not annoying because you can't find a reason to hate me?" Jacob tested.

"I have no idea what you mean." She said defensively.

"Sure you don't." He winked and then left her standing there appalled.

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