Living Conditions

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The following night, Hermione had went to bed, contented the egotistical acclaimed guard had not spoken to her

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The following night, Hermione had went to bed, contented the egotistical acclaimed guard had not spoken to her. She had managed to spend the day entirely reading for the upcoming year, and when not, in conversation with Harry and Ron.

Though it was before she could drift to sleep that she heard a strange noise coming from outside her door. Knowing there were no Order meetings this particular night, it couldn't possibly be the adults.

She got up, deciding against ignoring the matter. She swung open her door, gaze falling to the floor. "What are you doing?" She scorned, recognizing the person.

He continued on with his activity, a smirk gracing his features. "I thought you'd be smart enough to know. Though since you asked-" He stopped the reps he was doing and then stood, returning to his full height. She took a step back, quickly removing her gaze from his chest. "-They are known as abdominal exercises. Crunches. Sit-ups. Whatever you want to call them."

"Is there any explanation that isn't ridiculous for why you are once again outside my room, nonetheless feel the need to create such a commotion?" She tested, crossing her arms.

"Well for one, Mrs. Weasley asked me to be here. Ten minutes on each level. And since you yesterday implied my abs were not up to the standards of your 'just friend' I found it fitting to workout here."

Hermione, bit her cheek. She could not believe his arrogance. Though to avoid risk of further complimenting him, or replying to his juvenile choices of conversation, Hermione said nothing. Instead she stepped forward and he seemed taken aback. She pulled the door closed behind her as she now stood in the hall. She hesitated a moment, standing directly, and rather closely to him.

Showing any sign of intimidation was what he found amusing. Her banter with him was not going to fix anything, or encourage him to leave her alone either. Ignoring him she figured would be best. "Excuse me." She said in a calm tone, staring up at his eyes, attempting not to smile at the way he was utterly shocked by her closeness.

He stepped back.

She then walked two steps of the remaining landing before jogging down the stairs.

"Wait." He called, and she heard his footsteps behind her.

She did not wait, still winding down the levels. "What?" She called bored, not paying him a glance.

Though as he passed her, swinging in front of her she was forced to stop.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To the kitchen for a drink of water." She answered truthfully. "Or is it illegal now for me to leave my room?"

"No." He shook his head. "I'm not guarding you from escaping. My job is simply to guard those who attempt to break in."

She looked to him cautiously, before going around him and continuing her journey.

He continued to speak "And, I don't think you'd listen even if I forbid it."

She laughed in scoff. "You're exactly right."

When they reached the kitchen she wasn't surprised he had followed her, but pretended it was of no bother. She summoned a glass and then turned the tap. She spun around, resting against the counter and she found his gaze was on her across the kitchen. She met it, bringing the glass to her lips. "Aren't you supposed to be guarding the other's rooms?" She asked.

"Well, you are closest to the front door. I thought I'd come." He answered.

"Right." She nodded. "So if Harry decided he needed a drink, you'd follow him to the kitchen and awkwardly sit here with him too."

"Yes." he confirmed.

"Harry wouldn't agree with the matter, and would request politely your assistance would not be needed. And you still think you would guard him anyway?" She asked, rolling her eyes, knowing he was here because he found amusement in herself.

"Do you always interrogate?" He smirked. "If I can be honest without some defensive reply, is there really a problem with me joining you in the kitchen because I want to get to know you better instead of spending the next few weeks always at each other's throats?"

"I don't want to be your friend. And if you were possibly more polite, I'd be friendly to you. But I do not believe or trust your intentions. So, you can sit here, follow me, or whatever it is you claim to be doing. But don't expect me to smile."

"If you must. But you don't have to be so stubborn either." he began. "You're putting in more effort to make me an enemy, than peacefully coexisting."

She let out another sigh. "You are just as stubborn. You are insisting on getting to know me, instead of just letting me be. Is it really that hard?"

"Okay. We are both stubborn then." He answered. He stood, retracting from where he was leaning against the wall. He broke their gaze, moving over instead to the fridge.

He opened the ice box and Hermione's eyes shifted to observe his figure as he concentrated on the contents within. She felt a blush realizing he was still shirtless and recognizing she was paying quite the attention to him. She shifted her gaze to her own glass.

"Don't you guys have any soda?"

"No." Hermione answered bitterly. "Though we do have milk."

"I thought it was always tea and crumpets with you brits." He muttered, throwing her a sideways glance that caused her to nearly choke on her water.

"That would be as stereotypical as myself offering some apple pie."

"Is there pie?" He asked, raising an eyebrow with an air of excitement.

"Yes." Hermione answered, rolling her eyes with a growing distaste for this, teenage 'werewolf'. "It's on the second shelf."

He removed the pie tin. "And it appears there is no microwave."

"Stand still." She ordered, after setting her water glass down on the counter. Hermione removed her wand and simply cast a warming spell on the cold dessert.

"Do you want some?" He asked, finding a set of forks and plates, and cutting himself a slice.

Hermione shook her head. "No thank you. If you don't mind I'll be returning to bed." She walked to the other side of the kitchen. She couldn't help but add a comment over her shoulder, "And it's not that I don't like apple pie. It's more the fact that I'd have to continue to be in the same room with the likes of you."

He met her gaze with a smirk she found infuriating enough to not consider a moments longer if her comment had been too rude. He took a bite from his fork, all whilst holding the shared eye-contact. She dropped her own gaze to the floor, and left the kitchen.

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