chapter 3: Pheonix the bird

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The Pheonix puffed up its chest as he introduced himself.

"So, you say that you are a phoenix?" Sol asked the bird covered in flame. It definitely looked like one, but it was smaller than he had expected.

"I'm not 'a' phoenix, I'm the Phoenix! What part of it is difficult to understand?" the Pheonix said, blazing even more. The young boy tried very hard to contain his laughter. He found it funny that the phoenix was acting so high and mighty, even though it was so small.

"Whatever, I have to leave, so if you will excuse me," Sol said he went past the bird

"Its not like I am any eager to talk to you either, your the one called me a mere bird and mocked me"

Sol went past the bird, ignoring its bickering. This was weird, there was no Phoenix in the novel and this little bird claimed it was the phoenix

Sol wanted to meet the great red-headed wizard on the mountain before he went to the city because he wanted to ask him for help with saving the village, if not help he was willing to make a very interesting deal with the wizard.

It was very dangerous to go into the mountain of no return, but Sol had no other choice he had to keep the village safe no matter what. He clutched the handle of the rusted sword that Carl had given him and headed towards the mountain.

Thick Canopies covered the sky, and a slight mist covered the land Sol felt a chill crept up his spine. He imagined these kinds of scenarios all the time but this time it was real and if he dies here, he might actually die


Something was in the bushes, Sol was ready to strike. A midget ball off of slime appeared out of the bushes and looked at him. And before he knew it, the ball of slime struck him and he fell on his butt and clutching his nose. Once provoked these creatures never backed down so he had no choice but to fight them. 

In the novel the protagonist had a fight a hoard of these monsters and it was tricky because they self destructed every time he struck them with a sword.

If he had magic, it would have been a piece of cake, but he didn't. Before he could take a swing at the slime, it hit him in the stomach and blood started gushing out of his mouth. That hurt more than he had ever imagined but he had to get this over with so, he let down his guard one more time as bait and as the slime jumped to strike him he cut it into two with his sword. 

'All that wood cutting finally paid off'

The ball of slime glowed bright blue as the slime floated in the air before blowing up. Sol ran for his life. He couldn't die before the events of the novel that would be so pathetic, especially if he died from fighting a slime.


He fell on the floor because of the force, but he was still very much alive. Is this some kind of miracle or did he have some kind of superpower?

"Human are you planning to get yourself killed? If you are then you can do it somewhere other than my mountain." The Flaming bird said as he flew around Sol.

"Oh..... its you again."

"At least show some gratitude, human, I saved you."

"So it was you who saved me,"' Damn it wasn't a superpower' "Thanks I guess"

"Get out of MY mountain now, a weak human like you dosn't have a place here."

"Your mountain? What about the red-headed wizard?"

"I..... I am the red-headed wizard, I might have lost a little power and couldn't maintain my human form " The bird stuttered. 

"What are you taking about? And besides, why is a god like you roaming in this land, anyway?" Sol said as he frowned at how unreliable the novel was.

"Did you come here to meet me?" the bird asked with an unreadable expression

"If you are truly the wizard then.... yes? I have a request I have to ask."

"And why should I listen to a mere human?"

"Then I will make a deal with you." Sol said with confidence.

"YOU have something to give ME," The Pheonix mocked

"The Scarlett stone, I know where it is and I can get it for you," He said.

The Scarlett stone had a tremendous amount of mana, it was said to be a relic of the ancient Wizard king Asmodeus of the West; it is rumoured to have so much power that it could even make gods increase their strength exponentially. It wasn't any use to Sol as he didn't have any magic power what so ever.

"Interesting offer, I will listen to what you have to say." 

"You are a god must have know about the apocalypse that will take place, I want you to help me save the mist village"

The great and mighty god was deep in thought for quiet for some time.

"How do you know about the apocalypse, a mere human shouldn't know about this?" The Pheonix asked with curiosity.

"I can't reveal my source, are you willing to help or not?" Sol asked sternly.

"Fine, I will take up your offer human, you should be grateful that a high and mighty being such as I.... am even considering your offer." The Pheonix said, flaunting its feathers.

"All right then we should discuss the terms I guess.." Sol said relived

"However, I want to change the terms since you know about the 'Apocalypse' anyway, I want you to take me as your 'Guardian' instead of that scarlett stone. Are you going to go as far as taking a 'Fallen God' like me as your 'Guardian' for a little village?" The Fallen God challenged Sol.


<Thank you for reading the thied chapter. If you can give me any suggestion or feedback, please comment down below.>

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