Chapter 10

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"You should go with the kids." both of them said simultaneously

A zombie that looked like Carl started to attack Sol with an axe, Sol blocked the hit, but the impact was way stronger than he had anticipated.

"You are the closest to the kids, Sol, they will be a lot happier if you go with them," Cynthia said, and the kids were sobbing again. It made sense that the kids didn't want to lose another family member. But leaving Cynthia like that did not feel right to Sol.

Cynthia was shooting balls of fire from her hands to keep the zombies from getting any closer.

"Cynthia look at me, I'll be alright. I have a plan so you should go with the kids. You are a lot stronger than me, the kids will be safer with you"

"You are such an Idiot" Cynthia whispered as she hurried down the bridge with the kids turning behind to see Sol waving at them with a smile on his face.

He suddenly felt a blow to his head, it was Carl. The young man clutched his head as he blocked another attack.

His attacks became faster.

Top of the head,

The right shoulder,

Left thigh.

Sol had to break the pattern of his attacks, he had to stall these zombies until the kids and Cynthia went further from the bridge.

He barely avoided another hit from the axe as he kicked the zombie's legs. The only way to kill a zombie was to crush its heart. But it was unreasonable, considering he only had 10 physical stats, and the zombies were several times stronger.




Phy: 10 Speed: 7 Magic: 0


1. Flames of desire (lv.1)


"Activate ability number 1"

<Activated flames of desire>

<Ability level is too low, shortening the activation time>

<Activation time 1:00>

One minute. That was enough for Sol.

The zombie rushed towards Sol. A blade covered in flames of desire cut through muscle and flesh. Sol's hand charred as flame engulfed the blade.

There was the sound of flesh of a human being cut up as Carl staggered back.

"Kwooooh, I......... don't...........want to......... die" he said as the light in his eyes began to fade.

"I am sorry that I am hurting you again, but I have someone I have to protect no matter what."

Sol didn't quite get why he was doing this , they were just characters of a book so why did he feel these strange feelings.

The other zombies were getting close to Sol, it was stupid to even think he could handle these many zombies with his physical stats. He has to get off this island soon.

After the Pheonix gave Sol his blessing, he transformed into an aura losing his physical form. Meaning he could not carry him like before.


"What is it now?" the dark stag frowned.

"I want my reward from the sub scenario before"

"I don't really know why, but you piss me off for some reason." the stag said as a small box appeared on Sol's palm

'Please be an armour!!! please be an armour!!!' Sol whished desperately.

The box shone as a long navy blue coat appeared in Sol's hand.



Category: armor, inventory

description: thermal resistant, regulates temperature and can store 50 units


Yes! Sol had a mini celebration inside because something went according to the plan.

"Now what will you do? There is no way a human will survive falling from this height," the curious black stag asked.

Sol pretended not to hear the stag as he scrolled through the status window until he found

<coin balance 100 coins>

He only managed to make 100 coins in Sebet, and the stingy prince barely gave more than what was necessary.

"invest 50 coins in physical strength"

<Are you sure you want to invest 50 coins in physical strength?>


<invested 50 coins in phy stats, new phy: 12>

Only 2 levels increased. That was a little less, but Sol didn't want to spend all his coins just yet.

He wore the coat in his hands as he went near the edge of the village. His heart was beating rapidly, and he breathed heavily. He looked straight at the stag and smirked as he jumped, free-falling to the ground below.

Below was a forest filled with monstrous boars and exploding slimes.

His body became heavier as he was closer to the ground. This was it.

<Activation time 00:10>

A flame shot through both hands, producing a small force in the opposite direction, reducing the overall impact on Sol.

<You have successfully cleared the sub scenario, 100 coins have been added>

<coin balance: 150>

He fell on the ground and pain shot through his entire body, the burns on his body were minimal because of the coat. However, he shouldn't lose consciousness here.

He needs to remain conscious and wait for a while; he curled up and breathed 10 seconds.......... 20 seconds............30 seconds. He had to stay awake.

He controlled his breathing in order to not fall into panic

Sol stood up and staggered around a bit as he took out the sword from the coat's pocket. A small sound was made as the stag finally appeared.

"you are alive?"


"Yes, that is me. Why don't you seem panicked?"

"I knew you would come."

"How did you know I would come?"

"It was a gamble"


<Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote comment. I am kind of skeptical about the pacing, so please comment on what you think about that.>

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