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The morning light that streamed through the windows of my room caused me to wake up. I hadn't opened my eyes yet, as I was trying my best to fall back asleep. That was until I felt warm skin brush against my back. I twisted to look over, seeing a bundle of red hair and freckles next to me. 

'What in the world...?' I was too groggy to think clearly, and I just shrugged and tried to fall back asleep. This time, however, it seemed Balloon was awake as well, and he seemed, well... panicked.

"Hrhrhgrhgrh... Good morning," I grumbled into a pillow. 

"Y-you're awake," Balloon stared at me, wide eyed, as I sat up, "uhm... what happened?"


"Did we..." he gestured with his hand, but despite him being wide awake, my brain was still crispier than a potato chip from alcohol and less than 5 hours of sleep. I squinted at him for a minute, but then I raised my eyebrows.

"...OOOOHHH, I'm stupid," I shoved a pillow in my face. Balloon smirked, but was still concerned, "No, I don't think we did. You, well, we were drunk, so I brought you here, and you wouldn't let me sleep anywhere else." 

Balloon turned a bright red, shrinking into the covers of the bed, "Ah... I-I'm sorry about that."

"No worries, drinking fucks us all up. Anyways, you want some tea?"

"Uh, no thanks, I don't drink tea."

I rolled my eyes, "alright, you just haven't had the good kind." 

I got out of bed, stretching and causing my joints to crack a bit. I reached over for my phone, reading the time as 9:30 and having tons of missed messages and calls. That's odd. Unlocking it, I soon found that the spammed messages and calls were from none other than Nickel.

Nickel: Balloon is not a good for you
Nickel: He isn't trustworthy, he doesn't care about u
Nickel: Hes going to hurt you, Suitcase
Nickel: Listen to me goddammit
Nickel: Don't fucking sleep with him
Nickel: you're going to get hurt
Nickel: And when u do, I'll be forced to say I told you so
Nickel: pick up the goddamn phone
Nickel: suitcase
Nickel: whatever, have fun while it lasts I guess

I felt my throat clench to trap a fire that rose in my chest as I read the messages. What authority does he have over me? I made a fist.

"Suitcase, you ok?" 

I turned, seeing Balloon had gotten up out of the bed and was now leaning against the couch. I stared him in the eyes. Is Nickel right, though? The question 'what is he thinking?' spun around in my mind. I sighed, setting down the phone, "I'm alright, it's nothing," I'll deal with that later.

"If you say so," he replied, looking at me with those deep amber eyes that shone magnificently in the sunlight, "Just wanted to make sure."

I nodded sheepishly.

"Also, you still have that makeup from yesterday smudged on your face," I whipped around to a mirror, and of course I slept with the makeup on.

"Ah, shit," I murmured, getting a clean wipe to get the spots off. 

"That was a really creative costume, by the way."

I felt myself blush, "Aw, it wasn't really, I just looked it up."

Balloon then got a certain glint in his eye, "Hey remember what you said about taking compliments?"

"Oh geez.."

"You better take that compliment. Don't be a hypocrite." He teased.

"Ugh, come on let's just go downstairs," I headed for the door, but he grabbed my shoulder.

"Take the fucking compliment," He grinned.


"Do it!"

"You can't make me," I taunted, and his cheeks grew pink.

"God you're a hypocrite," he sighed, "But you're good at making costumes."

"Thank you, and now I'm going to make tea now since my brain isn't functional yet and you've distracted me quite enough for one morning."

ᐯOTE ᗩᑎᗪ ᑕOᗰᗰEᑎT :)
+Word Count: 673+
【Shutting down...】

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