Chapter 3: Blood moon rising

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It was early morning when Bella woke up and ran to the Bathroom and shut the door, getting sick and had spent 20 minutes in the bathroom afterwards, she had used her abilities and teleported her tooth paste and toothbrush to herself and brushed her teeth and then sighed flushing the toilet, as she left the bathroom she mumbled to herself, morning sickness sucks, she had went to see Leah leaning against the door frame looking at her with a concerned look,’’ you okay Bells’’ Leah asked her as Bella nodded walking into Leah’s room and sat down on her bed and sighed’’ can you keep a secret Lee Lee’ ’She asked her’’ You know I can Bells, what is it’ ’she asked her’’ I’m pregnant Leah, my siblings and my mate are the only ones that know, now you do too but I don’t want the boys or Emily to find out, but Seth can know’ ’Bella told her as Leah was shocked then she recovered quickly and hugged her gently’’ don’t worry I won’t say a word but you need to stay by me when you go speak with the pack and Sam alright please Bells’’Leah told her as Bella spoke gently but also in a firm voice’’ I will stand by you but I will not back down I am going to be putting Sam in his place, sure he is an alpha but if anything you are consider part of my family and part of my own pack, which is Jackson and me but you are family. I get you want to be a lone wolf but I will always stand by you’’ she told her as Leah nodded her head and gently hugged her again and then sighed, they both had look at the clock it read 7 am and they knew they had to get ready so both girls changed in their clothes for the day and made breakfast but Bella didn’t eat, she wasn’t hungry the smell of food made her nauseated , so Leah had given her some orange juice as she then look out the window thinking’’ Bells you need to Be Careful ,Sam will not take kindly to be told off and to be put in his place, you will most likely get into a fight with him’ ’she told her as she look at her with a concern look but Bella wasn’t fazed, she had finished her drink as she spoke softly’’ Sam isn’t as strong as me, and he doesn’t stand a chance against me, if wants to start a fight with me let him try, I will have him begging me not to kill him Leah, I am not your normal kind of wolf, I’m the angelic hybrid and he will learn not to upset me’ ’she said softly as she got up and walk outside and Leah walk with her to Sam’s house.


Sam’s Pov: I Could hear talking in the driveway as I got up and look out the window, I saw it was Bella, Billy had told me that she wasn’t one to upset or make mad, I saw she look annoyed, so I went to tell leah to leave her alone but Leah glared at me, she has been causing the pack a lot of issues lately and I didn’t like it, she refused to listen to any of us even me, just because I imprinted on Emily, I had given Leah double  shifts but she didn’t improve her attitude towards me or the pack but as I watch her talk with Bella she was listening to her and had great respect for her, and that made me angry, I had then spoke up’ ’Leah come here now you had your first shift at the cliffs soon’ ’I told her but she growled at me’’ don’t you dare growl at me, I am your alpha you will do as I say now go’’ I order but it seemed it didn’t affect her when she stood by Bella that again made me angry’’ Fuck you Sam, Leah isn’t your slave and she doesn’t have do a damn thing you say because she is leaving the pack and her brother is also, and they will be joining me and if you have a problem with it take it up me ‘’Bella spoke glaring at me as she snarled at me , I saw her trembling , she was furious, her eyes had turned to a siliverish violet and then I had shifted into my wolf form jumping off the porch and cycle her, she had smirk at me, and shifted into her wolf form but shocked me she had wings, she had fire coming from her paws, but soon recovered and I had tried to attack her and go for her throat but she had sent me into a tree as I ran into some kind of invisible shield, she had glared at me snapping her large k9 teeth at me as she stared me down, I had charged at her again but once again I was thrown into another tree, I had then pretended to give up and walk back to porch and at last minute I had went for her throat but she saw it coming and bit into leg and threw me into another tree, I was now limping and I had then gave up but I was still pissed as I had limp back into the house and shifted back and put on some shorts and came outside, I saw that she shifted back and was still wearing the same clothes’ ‘when Leah is ready to Leah she will be joining my siblings and my mate and myself in New Orleans and if I hear that you hurt her or threaten her, that won’t be the only injury that inflict on you Sam’ ’Bella told me I could still see her eyes were still wolfish and I nodded’’ Fine but if she leaves, she is never allowed back in La push Again’’ I told her she nodded in understanding as Leah and her left, I had walk in the house again still flipping pissed, I then had talk with the pack and let my arm heal from the bite that Bella had caused.

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