chapter 1: What's wrong with me

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Bella'S Pov: I have spent the last two hour in the bathroom vomiting , I know haven't been feeling too good for the last three to five days or so, I sighed as I got up, I flushed the toilet once more and look at myself in the mirror I was pale and clammy, I had decided to put it off as nerves and lack of sleep which was true, I hadn't sleep well in about a week so I walk out of the bathroom and grab my phone, my mate was out and running errands ,so I decided to call my brother and tell him something before Jackson did, last I wanted was him to be over here worrying, I dialed his number and he had pick up on second ring

(the conversation between Bella and Klaus)


Hey nik-Bella   

Hey bells whets up little sis-Klaus

Nothing much, look can I come over there for a bit-Bella

Of course you can come over here, what's wrong those Bells sis-Klaus

I just haven't felt good for the last couple of days and I could use some breathing room, you don't mind do you?-Bella

Of course I don't mind Bella you know that, I will make your old room up for you and your not having problems with Jackson are you sis?-Klaus

No I am not having problems with my mate, I just a day or two away, until I figure out why I am not feeling good big brother and thank you, I should be over soon then, let me leave Jackson a note and then I will be over and could you have Rebekah waiting for me please.-Bella.

Of course I can bells, and alright I'll see you soon little sis and be safe bye bells-Klaus

Bye Nik-Bella

(end of conversation between Bella and Klaus)


After getting off the phone with my big brother I had quickly wrote a quick note for my mate and then pack an overnight bag and grab my wallet and my phone charger and had used my speed making it to the mansion within 20 minutes. once I got there, I saw Rebekah and I told her to meet me in my old room and she did first thing I did was I went and got me some blood and sip on it but then I threw it up and I felt dizzy afterwards, I also couldn't eat certain human either, what was wrong with me I thought , as I left my half glass of blood on the counter, I went to my old room and went to Rebekah and sat on my bed and told her everything '' Bells it sounds like your pregnant to me' 'she said to and I froze for a moment'' say what'' I said to my sister'' I think you might be pregnant bells'' she said again and I took breath'' that could explain a lot but how do I know for sure bekah'' I ask her'' we go to Davina, she powerful enough'' she told me and I nodded to her'' well first let wait for my mate to show up first rebekah'' true lets'' we both then went down stairs and I sent my mate a quick text telling him to hurry up and come to my brother home because I want to find out for sure if I really was pregnant or not.

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