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Me, Ary, and Anna both got out the car and started walking towards the school building

Everybody was giving me side eyes and I rolled my eyes before pulling up my hoodie and putting my airpods in my Ears. I wasn't up to hear no bullshit and I really wasn't in the mood to get stopped.

I felt Liyah tap me on the shoulder causing me to take out one of my airpods.

She pointed towards the principal who had his arms crossed

"Come with me Aryhel"

I rolled my eyes before before following him into his office

A officer was standing in the corner with Bray and Marcus, Jd, and Shawn sat across from them.

"Have a seat" he told me

I sighed before sitting down and dropping my bag beside me

"So, Bray has put in complaint about multiple attacks towards him by you and your family with proof" he said and my eyes went wide

"Attack ??" I said tilting my head

"Exactly, you fucking trippin dude" Shawn said and the principal smacked his hand on the table causing me to jump.

"I'm not gonna tell you again Ja'shawn, watch the language" he said getting closer

Shawn stairs him dead ass in the eyes before leaning closer

"Fuck you and that bitch ass boy" he said turning towards Bray.

The officer took cuffs out of his pocket but the principal stopped him

"Just let me finish" he sighed

"Bray wants to press charges, but we have a few witnesses from the night who backed up saying Bray put his hands on you also, but that doesn't excuse jumping him twice so there will still be a consequence."

I rolled my eyes and sighed

"Thats not right and it doesn't make sense" Marcus said

"Exactly, we defended her, fuck was we suppose to do ?" Marcus asked

The principal started talking but I zoned out and began staring into space

"Ary." He called causing me to snap out of my gaze

"Can I call my people ?" I asked

"No need for that to we'lol call, each of y'all's suspension will last four days since the fights were off school property" He said and my mouth dropped

"Bray are you serious ?" I asked and he avoided eye contact

I shook my head before grabbing my bag and walking out of the office

"Ary I wasn't done talking!"


I followed her out the office and she looked over at me before continuing to walk

"I'm sorry" she sighed

"Nah you straight that wasn't on you, he just a bitch." I shrugged and she shook her head

"His lil feelings just hurt, that's all." She said

"Well damn what happened?" I asked and she went quiet

"Nothing.." she shrugged and I smacked my teeth

You could tell she had trust issues and shit I wouldn't blame her

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