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Monty watched Winston as he slept peacefully. He couldn't believe the scene before his eyes was true, that he was finally going to be able to be happy.

After their day at the beach, they had a long discussion, they calmly talked about what their relationship was going to turn upside down in their respective lives. Winston was going to have to break up with his boyfriend, quit, bring his stuff here to Portland, that was going to make a huge difference. They also had to talk about the housing issue.

Yes, Markus had been very kind to give his apartment to Monty, but it was definitely not going to be big enough for the two lovers. In fact, yes, he could be, if Winston didn't have the same wardrobe as Beyoncé!

But as the night wore on, doubts began to overwhelm him. Did they make the right decision? Did Monty really deserve Winston to give up his life for him, like this on a whim? What if he relapsed? What if all his efforts to become a better person went up in smoke overnight because Monty was a monster? He didn't want to hurt Winston anymore, never again, either physically or emotionally. He would never forgive himself.

Lost in thought, Monty hadn't noticed that Winston had woken up, and he jumped when he heard the sound of his voice.

- You're okay? You look upset ...

- I'm fine baby. Go back to sleep, or you'll be grumpy tomorrow morning.

- I'm never grumpy in the morning ...
- Really ? Do you want me to remember the time we had to get up at 6 a.m. to get to Palm Spring?
- That was years ago, Monty!
- Maybe ... But you were grumpy!

- If you say so ...

Winston rolled his eyes, Monty smiled, and then he knew all his doubts were stupid, and they finally managed to find Morpheus' arms without too much difficulty.


The next morning Winston phoned James to tell him that everything was over between them, as well as all the things he had had on his heart for the past few years. Despite the remorse, he felt liberated as he hung up, because the weight of all his years of lying was finally gone.

When he told his mother he was staying in Portland, she was obviously not surprised, although she admitted to him that she was not very thrilled by the decision. Nonetheless, she promised him that she would do everything to ensure that his things arrived in one piece in Portalnd, until he and Monty found a house.

The house was not easy to find at first. This is the first time they had to do it alone, and it didn't go well. They heard a lot of rejections for various reasons, and it demoralized them. But eventually they found it, their home. It was located in a nice little residential area, only a 30 minute drive from the flower shop, and therefore from the city center. It was the typical little American house, only the dog was missing, but it was their home now.

Some time after their move, Winston was hired at the Portland Business Journal, as a photographer for the cultural column. Monty got his accounting degree, so Markus was able to retire, and go on a trip.

Their little life was finally starting to fall into place, and they were both so happy. They had their own house, a job each, they got along well with their neighbors. Their marriage was probably the next step. Winston's mother Estela (without Tyler) and Agatha had promised to come visit them next month.

And God, they couldn't wait to show them how happy they were.

(The end)

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