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After several hours of flying that seemed endless, Winston finally landed in California. He was tired, he was nervous, but he was there. When he turned on his phone again, he saw that he had several missed calls from James, perhaps he should have warned him of his hasty departure. Oops? Anyway, what is done is done, he sent him a simple text message saying "I'm at my mother's house" to reassure him, and he put his phone back in his pocket. He retrieved his travel bag from the conveyor belt and finally headed for his rental car, direction Crestmont.

The closer Winston got to the house he grew up in, the more nervous he became. He had spent the night rereading his conversation with Estela, and now he was sure of it, his mother knew things, and he was determined to know which ones!

When he passed the huge gate leading to the house, he saw himself 4 years ago, in his old car with Monty. The simple little memory tightened his chest, but he had to stay focused so he could prepare himself for the conversation that would come in a few minutes.

He got out of his car and went to the front door, before knocking. When Mrs. Williams opened the door a few seconds later, she was surprised to see her son, and looked at him with a surprised expression.

- Winston? What are you doing here ? I didn't expect your visit ...

- Sorry mother, I forgot to make an appointment...

She sighed at the remark, but shifted to let Winston enter.

- Don't talk nonsense ! I'm glad to see you, just surprised! Where's James? Did you fight?

- Yes, we can say that. But it's not because of this that I'm here...

They arrived in the living room where Winston took his seat opposite that of his mother. After a few seconds of awkward silence, he finally decided to speak.

- Mom. We need to talk.

- Well that's what we do. We speak.

- We need to talk about Monty

- Obviously. It had to happen ...

- You knew he was released? And you said nothing to me!

- Indeed ...

- Oh God.... Tell me that you are not responsible for the fact that he suddenly distanced himself from me. Tell me mom, please ...

- I did this for you, Winston.

- What did you do ? Mom !

Winston was now standing. He nervously paced the room. He couldn't believe that Estela had told the truth.

- When you asked me to launder him for the murder of Bryce, I agreed, to please you. But, I knew he was not someone for you, especially when you told me that he beat you up after your first meeting. So I offered him a deal. I defended him for the murder, AND for the rape of Tyler, ONLY if he agreed to never see or speak to you again.


- Don't yell at me! Thanks to this deal he went from fifteen years of imprisonment, to only four. He was incarcerated in a minimum security prison, where he was able to receive psychological help, and graduate from high school. I even made sure that his father was arrested for everything he had done to him, when I technically didn't have to do it. And I am a Winston monster? Really ?! Without me he would probably have been stabbed in his cell! I saved his life, and I gave him a future, so don't you dare to call me a monster!

- ...

- He's fine Winston. Thanks to us. He has a home, and a job in Oregon. He will be able to start his life over. Be happy with that instead of looking at me like you're going to stab me with a paper cutter.

- Ah because in addition you also know where he is?!

- But Winston! How do you think he got the money to leave? Like I told you, I'm not a monster, I'm not the villain of the story. I gave him money, I found him a job, I gave him a safe place to live, and his boss keeps me informed about it. I even know that he took up accounting courses.

- You could have played the good Samaritan by letting me be with him! It wouldn't have changed anything!

- I couldn't take this risk ... The prison changes people my darling, and when I made the agreement with him, I was not yet sure that I was going to obtain what I had asked from the judge. You couldn't bear to see him wither away, and to shut himself up even more on himself. You're an emotional sponge, it was going to eat you from the inside. So I had to make a choice.

- I could have managed. I could have done it!

- You already can't manage this conversation ... But you know, The journey is shorter between the airport and Portland, than that to New York.

- Are you really telling me after all these years of lies, that I have to go see him in Portland ?! Seriously?

- No, I don't. I say "The journey is shorter between the airport and Portland, than that to New York". Interpret it as you wish.

Winston walked over to his mother and hugged her. He hadn't done this in years, so the hug was a bit clumsy. But it was important for him to do it. His mother, surprised by this surge of affection, simply patted him on the back.

- Thank you mom ... And sorry for calling you a monster. I didn't know everything you had done for him.

- Remember that for the next Mother's Day, or for my birthday ...

- Promised. I love you mom.

- I love you too honey, I always will do .

He walked away from his mother, and smiled at her. He was happy, but something else was bothering him.

- But then. Everything you told me about the fact that you no longer wanted me to date another psychopathic rapist?

- Well, it wasn't really a lie. But it was also to keep the truth under control. I had to be credible. But believe me, if he had done something like this again, I would have put him on the electric chair myself!

- This is understandable ...

- Be honest, what he did was horrible darling. And if my discoveries about his family situation hadn't made me have a minimum of hope for his rehabilitation, I would never have agreed to help him. And if he still touches you, I swear I'll kill him myself!

- He will never hurt me again. You have nothing to fear about this mom.

- I hope for him.

Winston kissed her on the cheek to completely reassure her, before heading for the exit. Sitting behind the wheel, when he started, he had no doubts about the destination of his next plane ticket. Besides, he had never been to Portland, so this was the perfect opportunity.

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