Chapter 25

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I am thinking about making a Blackice fanfiction. Should I or nah?

Orochimaru dragged the clone of Hiruzen up to the roof. Almost literally. "All that paperwork taking a toll on you sensei?" The traitorous snake Sannin sneered.

"Orochimaru!" The clone said in a totally cliche way. "What are you doing here?"

Orochimaru frowned. "Isn't it obvious? I am here to bring about the downfall of Konoha! It's complete annihilation! Starting with you!" He laughed his creepy laugh.

Naruto appeared, leaning casually against the wall. He held his hand up with a smile. "Sorry, Oro-pedo. I am the one about to destroy Konoha. You see, I have a lot more grievances against this hell hole of a village than you."

'A lot is an understatement.' Kurama grumbled.

Orochimaru chuckled. "Oh yeah? You and what army?"

"I am an army unto myself." Naruto eyed him with his Rinnegan on full display.

Orochimaru had enough chitchatting. "Edo Tensei!" The Snake shouted, slamming a hand to the ground. Three coffins rose up through the dirt and out came the First Hokage, Second Hokage,  and Fourth Hokage.

"I'm to old for this." Clone Hiruzen sighed.

"If you are really an army unto yourself, you should have no issue defeating them!" Orochimaru shouted gleefully at the prospect of getting to kill both the Hokage and Uzukage at the same time.

"H-Hiruzen? Is that you?" Hashirama asked.

"Kind of." The clone replied.

"Enough talking!" Orochimaru demanded.

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Please. I need to destroy the Leaf Village."

"N-Naruto? Why would you want to destroy the Leaf?" Minato asked, a little fearful of what his son's answer would be.

"Because I got permission." The younger blonde smiled smugly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Where is your proof child?" Tobirama sent a scrutinizing gaze at him.

Naruto summoned a scroll from his wrist and handed it to the albino man, who began to read out loud. "Dear Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto, I am saddened to hear of what the once great village of Konohagakure has come to. Falsely accusing a child, born from two of the greatest shinobi, of rape and banishing him with no proof or trial, abusing him since he could crawl and all of the other atrocities you have mentioned as well as an attempt on your life in another village is highly unacceptable. You may do as you see fit to the disgraceful village, son of my two greatest friends. Sincerely with apologies, The Fire Daimyo." Tobirama put the scroll down. "Well damn. How could it come to this?" He whistled.

"Language!" Hashirama shouted.

"Shut up brother." The white haired man snapped.

"Hiruzen let the civilian council become corrupt and practically allowed them to lead the village." Naruto explained.

Minato on the other hand was livid. "Go ahead and destroy it. I will not stop you. I should have left the Kyuubi run rampant."

"Enough talking! Kill them!" Orochimaru demanded again.

"To bad!" Naruto made a hand seal. "Fuin!" The deceased Kages disintegrated back to the land of the dead.

"No!" The Sannin cried pitifully.

"For my main event!" Naruto shouted gleefully, pointing his hands to the ground. "ALMIGHTY PUSH!" The blonde used half of his chakra and the effects were instantaneous. A large gravitational field surged outward, decimating everything in its path, including the Hokage Monument. The crater was hundreds of feet deep and a couple hundred miles wide and the only thing spared was a pillar of land that he was standing on. "That's done." He smiled as he picked up no chakra signatures before vanishing to Uzu.

"NARUTO!" A loud voice shouted. The blonde paled as he turned around, only to be met with an angry purple haired kunoichi.

"K-Konan?" He stuttered in fear at her anger.

She stabbed him in the chest with a sharp nailed finger. "It's your night to make dinner and you didn't make dinner!" She accused.

"Actually... I did." He murmured quickly as his clone brought out a feast. "To celebrate the Falling Leaves!"

She turned red in the face from anger, before a hand fell on her shoulder. "Chill out Angel. Let him enjoy himself." Nagato said, amusement dripping from his voice as he kissed her temple.

She sighed in defeat. "Fine."

Gaara on the other hand, scooped up the blonde and twirled him around as Naruto giggled happily. "You did it love!" Gaara kissed him.

"I know." Naruto giggled again before kissing his Panda-chan deeply. The other Akatsuki members celebrated with the whole village and after a few more hours, night fell.

Gaara led a blindfolded Naruto to the beach with a picnic already sprawled out before taking off the blindfold. Naruto gasped as Gaara got down on one knee. "Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, I love you and I always will. Will you do the honor of marrying me?"

Naruto had silent tears crawling down his face. "Yes." He whispered. "YES!" He shouted, happily tackling Gaara to the still warm sand.

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