Chapter 24

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Since their secret was out, they walked without their hoods on. As usual, once Konoha seen the nine tails jinchuriki, they glared and whispered harsh words.

"Ah... " Naruto breathed. "I was wondering when the trash would show their true colors."

Gaara tightened his grip on Naruto's hand and gave him a kiss. "At least you still have us and the Uzu nins."

Sasuke smacked them both upside the head. "Stop kissing because we need to get going."

Naruto glared at him as the Akatsuki members chuckled behind them. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say Duckass." He grumbled, tugging Gaara up to the Kage viewing box where his eyes immediately lit up. "A, Bee, Nii! Long time no see!" He hugged them all as they smile.

"Uzumaki, it's nice to see ye' rappin' like me, the great killer Bee!" Bee rapped rather poorly.

Naruto's eye twitched. "Oh Great Kami, what have I done?"

"Nine-sama, it's nice to see you again." Yugito greeted.

Naruto dipped his head at the blonde Cloud nin. "It's nice to see you as well, Two."

"And what am I? Chopped liver?" Gaara complained.

"Of course you are." Onoki, (spelling?)  the Tsuchikage, said grumpily. Though the old Kage seemed grumpy on the outside, he was actually really happy to see the trio of cheerful Uzu nins.

After another thirty minutes of comfortably catching up with everyone and Naruto sneaking glances at the Kazekage who smelled suspiciously like snake. The blonde curled his lip in disgust as he seen a flash of his golden eyes along with an amused smile sent his way.

Just then, Hiruzen walked in and all of the Kages glared at him. The Third walked quickly to Naruto and dragged him to a quiet corner near the wall. "I have evacuated the clans like you asked. The children from the clans have pulled out of the exam. May I ask what you are going to do to the village?"

Naruto smirked. "Wipe it off of the map of course."

Hiruzen's eyes widened in horror. "You can't! You'll start a war!"

"Actually I can. The war would start and end in less then a minute with me victorious. Besides that, everyone I love and or tolerate is no longer in this village, however there is still one person I tolerate here, you, and I have permission from the Fire Daimyo." Naruto finished. "Now leave a clone here and go to Uzu. This exam is about to be interrupted by a certain snake."

Hayate's voice floated over to them, interrupting the conversation. "Winner by death, Kuro Uchiha!" Hayate sounded terrified as he announced it. Both Kage looked down to see a bloody, mutilated, pink blob.

"She was even weaker than I originally thought. Oh well, at least I got to test my new Jutsu." Kuro said, brushing imaginary dirt off of his black close as he deactivated his eyes.

"An Uchiha?" The whispers started.

"Is he Sasuke's?"

"No, no. He looks a few years younger than Sasuke."

"Is he Itachi's then?"

The 'Kazekage's eyes lit up. "Oh-ho? Kuro is Itachi's child? This makes things interesting." He licked his lips. 'And I found my new vessel.' He thought.

'Perverted snake.' Kurama sighed.

'As usual. But he is going to die soon.' Naruto agreed.

'Good.' Kurama muttered before going silent.

All of the Uzu nin matches ended in a death leaving the stands horrified at how easily the children killed, most of them looking smug, and some just plainly smiling.

"Ino Yamanaka vs Hoshito Kaguya! Winner by death, Hoshito Kaguya!"

"Hinata Hyuuga vs Krul Kurama! Winner by death, Krul Kurama!"

"Kiba Inuzuka vs Marin Kurama! Winner by death, Marin Kurama!"

"Neji Hyuuga vs Ulquiorra Kaguya! Winner by death, Ulquiorra Kaguya!"

"Rock Lee vs Yukio Otsutsuki! Winner by death, Yukio Otsutsuki!"

"Tenten vs Gowther Uzumaki! Winner by death, Gowther Uzumaki!" With each death of their competing genin, Konoha became more and more horrified that the Uzu nins had such monstrous children while the Kages were glad to be allies with Uzu.

You must be wondering who Gowther Uzumaki was. Well, Naruto allowed Gowther to team up with a Kiri team that needed another member to participate since Kiri and Uzu are in an alliance as well as Iwa and Kumo.


Anyway, Gowther is a master water style user, a true prodigy. He is the son of Rei Uzumaki and is Naruto's personal apprentice.

Naruto cracked his neck as he noticed feathers start to fall and the 'Kazekage' and Hokage's clone disappeared. "Get our kids and leave." He told the Akatsuki. They nodded and disappeared. "I would advise you to pull out yours too and leave. I am about to wipe this place off of the map." Naruto's Rinnegan eyes flashed as he cracked his knuckles.

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