Chapter 3

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"Why are you sticking up for that demon?! He destroyed the village, killed the Yondaime, and has you under his control! He needs to go kill himself!" Sakura shrieked and clung to Sasuke's arm. Sasuke shrugged her away in disgust.

"He was a baby, not even a minute old, when the Kyubbi attacked Konoha. His father was the Yondaime Hokage and he does not have me under his control. The only one who needs to kill themselves is you!" Naruto grabbed Sasuke's wish and dragged him away from Sakura as Kakashi and Tazuna started walking away from the gate and Konoha to the Land of Waves. Ten minutes into their journey, a puddle was discovered. Naruto registered two chakra signatures in said puddle, and him being him, jumped and splashed in the puddle.

"YOU BRAT! THAT HURTS!" Gozu and Meizu yelled in pain as they wrapped Kakashi in a chain and yanked, brutally killing the Jounin.

"One down~" Gozu said and Meizu finished "Four to go!" They swung their chain and it hit Sakura. Useless putz just stood there before the chain slammed her into the trees. Blood appeared on her arms and she fell unconscious.

"Sasuke! Black strings!" Naruto said to Sasuke, hinting that Kakuzu was nearby.

"Hn!" Sasuke grunted and did his Great Fireball Jutsu as Naruto the kunai at them, knocking the brothers unconscious before Naruto tied them up. Kakashi came out of the trees and checked on Sakura and Sasuke to see if they were okay before using his Sharingan on the demon brothers to see what their goal was. When he was finished, he turned to Tazuna.

"My, my. You have some explaining to do dear lovely client." Kakashi said with his signature eye smile.

Tazuna started sweating. "W-what do you mean?" Tazuna tried to play dumb. His stutter gave him away.

"I mean the fact that you put my cute little genin and the demon in danger with your lies about the mission." Kakashi said. Sasuke growled at him for calling Naruto a demon. Kakashi want really fond of Naruto. He blamed him for his sensei's death and the death of Kushina. Kakashi even turned away a couple of times while the villagers beat Naruto. He knew Naruto was not the Kyubbi. He just couldn't shake the fact that if Naruto was never born, his sensei and his wife would never have died in the first place. The Kyubbi wouldn't have been released, Konoha wouldn't have been destroyed, civilian families wouldn't have been ruined and they would have the Yondaime and his wife with them.

"Well, there is this short fat guy named Gatou. You know, that big shopping industry? Yeah, he owns that." 'Sas-gay you want me to come back to the house and I don't want to get hit by a car.' "Or village is super poor so we weren't able to afford a higher ranking. That's why I'm building this bridge. It will get us out of his control." Tazuna relented. 'Great. I better do something so they continue the mission.' "If you don't want to continue the mission I understand. I did lie about the rank. If I die, my daughter will cry and feel bad. She will hate the Hidden Leaf and tell everyone how bad they are. My grandson well also cry and probably never forgive himself. The whole village will lose hope and ultimately their lives. But it's fine. Is all good. I understand." Tazuna hung his head in fake understanding. Everyone sweatdropped.

'He's trying to guilt trip is...' They thought.

"Kakashi-sensei! Sakura has been poisoned!" Naruto yelled at Kakashi. He was inspecting her arm and noticed a slightly foul smell and purplish green color around the wounds.

"We need to get her back to Konoha." Kakashi said, lifting the malnourished fangirl into his arms. Konan came out of the trees.

"No need. My medical prowess can rival Tsunade's." Konan said, walking over and holding her hand over the wound. Her hand glowed green and the poison came out and formed a bubble over it that she promptly dispersed into the air.  "You can now continue the mission. She will wake up in a day. KAKUZU! Come get the Demon Brothers. We need to go." She turned and waved at Naruto and Sasuke before they left.

"What just happened?" Tazuna asked as his sake bottle exploded in his hand.

"Naruto... Who was that?" Kakashi asked in suspicion.

"She's my Nee-chan. She visits me occasionally." Narito giggled as he tripped Sasuke. Sasuke gently hit his arm in a playful manner.

"Wouldn't she be your cousin since she is dating Nagato?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto shrugged. "Don't know."

"Let's go." Kakashi sighed. Still carrying Sakura he continued walking. They got to a river and had to take a boat across to get to the other side. The whole time they were silent. On the outside, Naruto felt a chakra signature and threw a kunai at it. The signature disappeared and Naruto went to investigate. He came back holding a soft, snow white rabbit. He gently stroked it's fur.

"You guys might want to duck." He said. Kakashi tackled Tazuna to the ground as Sasuke dropped. Naruto was to short to be hit by a sword that flew overhead. A tall man dressed like a cow with bandages stood on the sword. "Excuse me sir? Would this be your companions rabbit?" Naruto held the rabbit up.

"What? No!" The man looked confused as he turned his gaze to the young blonde. Sasuke stood in front of Naruto protectively.

"Zabuza!" Kakashi growled.

"Kakashi no Sharingan... Did I get that right? The guy who mastered over a thousand jutsus. Listed as S rank in the bingo book." Zabuza said.

"Zabuza Momochi. Demon of the Bloody Mist. Also an S rank missing nin in the bingo book as well." Kakashi said introducing the cow. Kakashi pulled his headband up, to reveal his Sharingan.

"Oh ho! Using the Sharingan this soon into the fight?" Zabuza chuckled. "Hidden Mist Jutsu!" He said as fog came out of nowhere and covered everything.  They couldn't even see an inch in front of their faces. Zabuza released his KI, hoping to knock out the brats, but they stood still, not even appearing to be affected. Turns out Kisame trained them in resisting KI and raising the level of their own. As Kakashi fought Zabuza, Naruto and Sasuke went to the other chakra signature nearby. They seen a nin weeing a mask watching the fight intently.

"Excuse me. Is this your rabbit, missing nin-san?" Naruto asked, tapping the bin on his shoulder. The bin jumped and tried to throw a kunai at Naruto but Sasuke blocked it.

"We are here to return your cute little rabbit. We are not here to fight you." Sasuke said calmly. The missing nin stopped his attack and stood shocked. They wanted to return his rabbit?

"Yes it is. Thank you." Naruto handed over the rabbit.

"It's been well taken care of. You must really like it." Naruto said.

The nin nodded. "She is my favorite pet. Her name is Shiro. My name is Haku." The nin, now named Haku, said, stroking the rabbit.

"I'm Naruto and that's Sasuke! Nice to meet you!" Naruto said enthusiastically.

"Hn." Sasuke looked at their sensei's.

"You're right. We should probably help them. We are going to get Kakashi out of  the water prison and you fake Zabuza's death. Then we can head out separate ways." Naruto said. Haku nodded. They proceeded to just do that, Kakashi fainted from chakra exhaustion, Zabuza got away, Naruto had to carry Kakashi and Sasuke had to carry Sakura and they all went to Tazuna's house. It was a small house. Just enough room for maybe five people to live comfortably.

"Father!" A woman with dark hair came out.

"Tsunami. These kind ninjas escorted me home." Tazuna gestures to the Leaf ninjas.

"Can we put them in a room somewhere?" Naruto almost dropped Kakashi. "He's heavy."

"Sure follow me." Tsunami turned and led the way to one of the guest rooms. With a sigh of relief, Naruto and Sasuke dropped them to the floor. "I made food. I'm sure you guys are hungry." Tsunami said.

"That sounds nice. Thanks." Naruto and Sasuke said as they sat at the table.

"Itadakimas!" They said and ate their food.

Phew. Another chapter done and gone. This took me longer than I expected. Doesn't help I only wore it between classes... Ulquiorra-sama out!

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