Chapter 53: There comes an end.

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As the titles says there comes an end to everything. I'm proud to finally post the last chapter of Demon's soul! This is my first time finishing a long story ever and it for sure has grown with me qua writing and just generally uh getting better at, english grammar and spelling (I hope haha).

I want to thank you all for your support, for sticking around for so long and for being patient with me in this journey. As my updates were very irregular and sometimes had a whole year or 2 between then hahaha... ^^"... Ah c'est la vie.. 

Also if you would like to continue to support me and my writing or wish to read more of my work the first chapter of my new story Pavlov (manxman) is out now too on my page! So check that out if you want. I would greatly appreciate it :D! Once again a warning for the higher amount of spiciness in that one and thus a mature rating ;) 

A side note: I may or may not change my username within the next few days as emo me of 2012 created this account and we are looong due for an update. (Edit: I changed it to "Your_Local_Cryptid")

Anyway I hope you enjoy!



'' wa.. up'''

''Is, evis!''

''Devis, wake up!''

Sitting up with a startle Devis looked up into Ian's eyes.

''Are you okay? You just passed out all of a sudden?''

Looking around himself he recognized the alleyway he was laying in the middle of, as the one he didn't like to pass through, but was on the way of the quickest route to get home.

Everything seemed.. normal. No Raven barriers encircling them, no static smoke demon, all looked normal.

Devis encircled a very much alive Ian in a hug.

''Oh, what did I do to get this?''

''Everything. Just thank you for being my friend. ''

He chuckled returning the hug. ''You're welcome unicorn.''

A small mew could be heard from beside them making them break the hug. Next to them sat a roughed up looking, pale yellow tabby cat in loaf formation. Its fluffy tail neatly curled around itself.

''Oh, hello?'' Devis spoke gently to it.

''Yeah, I don't know what's up with the cat. She just showed up after you passed out and curled up next to you. Pretty girl tried to swipe at me when I tried to pet her though. ''

The hair on the cat's back bristled up a bit.

''No luck with the cat ladies even.'' Devis said mockingly as he shook his head.

''Yeah, well I'm more a dog person anyway. Haha, if you know what I mean.''

''Take Luke out on a proper date next time. I'm pretty sure he'd like that.'' Devis mentioned as Ian helped him up.

"When did you become so proper on date etiquette?''

He shrugged, bending down to offer his closed fist in front of the cat to let it sniff him. It unfurled itself stretching out and rubbed its head against his hand.

''I guess we should just appreciate the things in our life while they're here, because before you know it, they might not be anymore. ''

''Deep bro.'' Ian whispered back.

The cat walked up to Ian, rubbing past his leg once before scampering away.

He gasped. ''She did that!''

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