Chapter 17. What's wrong?

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I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and dressed myself in the bathroom. Feeling to awkward to do it in front of Tyler because he would probably eye rape my body. I didn’t have time to have breakfast and I would regret it later. Before I left I told Tyler not to leave my room ones again in which he replied with a nagging, ‘Yeah, yeah.’ Waving it off.

I took my backpack and pulled on my jacket as I started running to school. As I finally made it I was out of breath. The halls were empty except for a few students who decided to skip class. I went to the schools information desk to get a late receipt since you need one or ells you won’t be allowed into class. The woman behind the desk scanned my school ID and gave me a receipt. I hurried to my locker and picked the books I needed. I made my way to classroom 0.42 where I was suppose to have history right now. As I opened the classroom all eyes were focused on me what made me feel slightly awkward.

“Mr. Patterson You’re late.’’ Miss. Ackerman said as she placed the little glasses more firmly  on her nose. I gave the late receipt to her and she studied it for a few seconds before asking. “What’s the reason for you not being on time in my lesson?’’ Of course I couldn’t say that it was because of my Demon roommate who almost strangled me. Although it wasn’t really his fold that I was late I guess, since I forget to set my alarm on. “Uh, I overslept.’’ I said. “Well.., alright then sit down and let me continue my lesson.’’ I took place in the back next to Ian.

“There you are man, I was wondering where you stayed?’’“I overslept.’’ I repeated as convincing as possible. “Yea I heard that but come one what’s the real reason you’re late?’’ Ian whispered to me with a small smile as he poked  my arm with his elbow. I wasn’t sure if I should tell him about the fact that the whole witchcraft thing worked and that a demon is now living with me. Something inside of me told me I shouldn’t and for some reason I was perfectly fine with that. “That is the real reason.’’ Ian eyed me for a few seconds, looking for any hint to say I was lying but probably couldn’t find any as he replied with: “Fine, if you say so.’’

The day went on and my thoughts kept on going back to this morning. It was lunch break and like I said before I would regret not having breakfast and I did as I felt my belly rumble. My hunger soon distracted me over my thoughts. I was sitting at a table together with Ian Nova and Matt, the usual. Laying face flat on the table I was starving.. As if the day couldn’t get better I noticed I forgot my wallet at home and wasn’t able to buy any food either. I softly felt some one poking in my back. “What..?’’ I said as I was getting grumpy from the lack of food. “Here, eat this.’’ I heard Ian say in a defeated friendly tone. I looked up to see a bagel in Ian’s hand held out to me. “OMG, I LOVE YOU.’’ I said hugging him in a tight hug. He held his hands up not sure if to hug me back. I soon released him taking the delicious looking bagel and munching happily on it. “Wow, I guess he really was that hungry.’’ Ian said chuckling as he leaned on the table with his elbow, chin in his palm staring at me.

“That’s what you get when you don’t have a proper breakfast, Dev.’’ Matt said as he drank an orange juice box, sucking at the straw. “I didn’t have any time and don’t worry, normally I do have a ‘proper breakfast’. ’’ I said in-between munches. Matt sighted with a small smile. “Of course you do.’’ Matt always worries to much but it’s just because he cares about his friends, though if we had just listened to him that night..I wouldn’t be stuck with a Demon now.

“Oh by the way, Nova. You still got that witchcraft book?’’ “Hmm?” Nova looked up from browsing through her girl magazine. “Why you ask? I thought you didn’t believe in witchcraft?” She said with a teasing smile. “Yea, I thought so too?’’ Ian said. I scratched the back of my neck desperately thinking of an excuse. “Uh, I don’t I’m just curious about it.’’ Yeah not a good excuse.. “Haha I see. Yes I still got it.’’ “Can I..can I borrow it?’’ I said with my hopes up. “Sure, you can even have it if you want to. It doesn’t work anyway, right?’’ “Haha, right.’’ I replied a little awkward knowing better. Matt stared down at his lap, something was bothering him. There was a pained look in his eyes and I couldn’t make out where it came from all of a sudden. Though it seems no one ells noticed it.

“I’ll bring it for you tomorrow at school.’’ Nova said snapping me out of thoughts. “Uh, okay.’’ I said with a small smile. “Thanks.’’ The bell rang as a sign of another hour of plain boredom and torture. Luckily we now had Art class, one of the subject that weren’t so bad, I even kind of enjoy it. Only me and Matt from our little friend group of 4 have this subject so it gave me an opportunity to ask him what was wrong.

“Okay class, sit down and get your sketchbooks and pencils out’’ The art teacher Mr.Harley said. I took place next to Matt and did as the Teacher said. I always kind of liked to draw and I don’t think I am all too bad in it either so that is kind of how I ended up in art class. I met Matt here too for the first time. He was a shy guy though he still kind of is. “Today I want to do something different than normal. I want you guys to draw something that has been keeping your mind busy, it can be something positive or negative. Use colors that you think describe your emotions about it, use your creativity.

I wasn’t sure how to start though I knew exactly what was keeping my mind busy. A particular silver/blue eyed Demon. 


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Also have a awesome day full of awesome-ness XD!

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