Chapter 22. It's best if you forget as well.

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..hey ;u; sup? So back to Devis' POV~ anyways..have a new chappie...


Devis’ POV:

‘This book is so boring… I can’t believe they would make us read this..’ I said to myself. I Rubbed my forehead out of annoyance brushing my fringe out of my eyes. I sighted. I just had supper and it was getting darker and darker outside for this time of the day. I was sitting at my desk still trying to read the most boring book ever and sadly it had to be a really thick one too. I could hear the rain softly tapping against my window glass.

 I closed my eyes just listening to it as it was quite relaxing. My thoughts soon found their way back to Tyler. ‘What the hell would he be doing in this weather?’  My eyes shot open as I heard a few louder taps on the window. Wait no, not taps more knocks. I looked at my window but the curtains where drawn. I stood up and walked over to my window opening the curtains. I stumbled back out of surprise. Speak of the devil.. or demon in this case. 

Behind my window stood Tyler soaked wet from the rain. I quickly opened my window letting him in. “Hey baby, missed me?’’ He said with a smirk on his face.

“Don’t hey baby me! Where the hell have you been? I was seriously worried about you?’’ Fuck.. I lost my cool. I looked at his chest he wasn’t even wearing a shirt or anything, even worse there were 4 cuts on his chest almost looking like claw marks.  My eyes widened. “Your chest, what happened?’’  He looked down at his chest. “Oh this? I came across your friend who drew that.’’ He pointed at the wall where I had hung up Matt’s drawing. “W-what? Matt? He wasn’t at school today..Wait, are you trying to say he did this to you?’’ I asked with both worry and shock.  “No, the Demon that possessed him.’’ 

I didn’t know what to say..or more what not to say. My mind over flew with questions. He probably noticed as he started explaining. “The demon who had possessed his mother came back to finish the job but you don’t have to worry about that. He won’t be bothering anyone anymore. Also Matt is fine, he doesn’t remember anything from it so it’s best if you forget as well.’’

“..T-thank you.’’ I wanted to hug him but remembered the cuts on his chest. “I didn’t do it for him or you. That demon was just in my way.” He said looking away. “Of course you did. Thanks anyway’’ I said chuckling. “Now about those cuts they look pretty deep let’s take care of that’’ “It’s fine their just scratches.’’ He said. “Even if you think that their ‘just scratches’ it’s best if we take care of it, look your bleeding.’’ I walked to my bathroom taking the first aid kit and a towel before returning. I threw the towel at him. “Here, dry yourself, I’ll lend you some clothes later.’’ He caught the towel, took place on my bed and started drying his hair. 

I opened the first aid kit on the bed and took some cloths to wipe away the blood. “Can’t you heal yourself like you did with me when we first met?’’ “Don’t you think I would have already done that if I could?’’ “Right..’’ I took some sanitizer spray out of the kit. “This might sting a bit.’’ I said as I sprayed it on the cuts. He didn’t seem to make any reaction of even the slightest bit of pain. Of course, what would I expect from a Demon? He just seemed to look amused at me as I was placing the bandage over his cuts covering his chest with it. I couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous as he eyed me like this.

 “You seem good at this. Do you bandage people up often?’’ He asked with a smirk. “Not really though my mom’s a nurse, I helped her ones at the hospital with a patient.’’ I replied. “There I’m done.’’ I said as I packed the kit up and walked to the bathroom placing it back into my closet. “Thanks.’’ I heard coming from my room. Did I hear that right, did he just thank me? “What did you say?’’ I pretended as if I hadn’t heard him. “I’m not going to repeat that.’’ A small smile formed on my lips.

As I returned he looked at me with a kind of annoyed look but for some reason  it only reminded me of a cute pouting kid. “Now let me get some clothes for you.’’ I opened my big closet looking for clothes that would fit him. After a little while I found a dark blue shirt, boxer’s I had never worn before and my old black Rugby short which was always too big for me. I had to bind the strings really tight or it would practically fall of my ass. 

“Here you can wear this.’’ I handed them to him as I took place on the side of my bed. He started unbuckling his belt. “W-wait not here! You can dress yourself in the bathroom.’’ I said pointing to it. He lifted a brow looking at me with a face that said: seriously? “Were both males, what’s there to hide?’’ I felt a little stupid that he had to say that. “Y-yeah, your right.’’ I said getting more nervous. He took off his belt and pants as I looked away trying to avoid looking at him thought I couldn’t help but peek a little. I blame that on the hormones. 

Of course I had to look right at the moment he took off his boxers. Om my freaking god, he has a huge cock. That even rimed. My heartbeat picked up speed and I could feel my cheeks heat up real fast as my gaze shot directly to the ground. I heard him chuckle and I wish someone would have just killed me right then and there. “I’m done so you can stop pretending like you weren’t looking.’’ The shorts seemed to be a perfect fit for him though the shirt was perhaps a little too tight making the form of his abs visible. “Shut it.’’ I said as I picked up his wet clothes and threw them into the laundry basket with bright red cheeks.


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