Chapter 42. As a team

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Hey readers! Yes I know it's been another month I had some techinal dificulties sinse I've got a new laptop but it didn't have words on it yet, but hey a friend helped me an it's all good now~ Also good news It appears I don't have a muscle disease. I do indeed have hyperlaxity so I weekly have to go to physiotherapy now which kind of sucks but what ever. 

Ayway I hope you guys like the new chapter!



After practice Luke was quick to leave the changing rooms, but I was quicker to follow and confront him at the lockers back at school before he could make a run for it. He stood in front of his locker pulling his school bag out of it "Luke'' He flinched as I called his name, and dropped his bag on the floor. He slowly turned around and met eyes with me only standing 2 steps away from him. ''H-hey, Ian.'' He stammered. With a nervous expression. ''What was that in the changing room about you supposedly having told me about training yesterday?'' I asked trying to sound calm. ''I don't know what you're talking about.'' Luke mumbled as he looked anywhere but my eyes, fidgeting with his fingers. I slammed my fist into the locker right next to him, closing him in as I demanded an answer. ''Cut it, Adams.'' He flinched stepping back until his back collided with the wall of lockers. "I was going to tell you, honestly! I just.. I was jealous and thought that if I didn't tell you.. the team might.. I'm so sorry I honestly don't even know what I was thinking..'' He said looking down in shame as some strands of his ginger hair fell over his eyes. I frowned in confusion as a crease formed between my eyebrows. ''Jealous of what?'' ''Of you.. I mean everyone likes you, you're popular, you're good at rugby and you have Devis.'' I froze realizing something. Oh shit, I'm this guy's Kyle. My fist slowly unclenched and I let it slide down the locker back at my side. ''Not all of that is true you know, not everyone likes me, for instance Porcelain. I don't know what I ever did to her but she never seems so happy to see me. I'm not that popular either, it's just rugby that made me quite known at school. Being good at something doesn't come out of nowhere, you have to work for it Luke, practice. They say practice makes perfect not for nothing. Though I don't understand what you mean with me 'having Devis'?''  While I was talking he slowly turned his gaze to me seeming less scared now.

 "You know about Devis helping me with rugby training?'' ''I think he mentioned it once, why?'' I asked not seeing how that had anything to do with this. ''Well it, uh, was a pretty hot day and I.. I kind of saw that bite-mark you left on his shoulder..'' A small blush made its way on his cheeks as he spoke to me. ''I left what?'' ''I swear I won't tell anyone about it!'' He said waving his hands in front of him. I retreated a step, kind of taken aback, giving him some more space in the process. ''Wait you thought? Me and Devis?'' I said pointing to myself. ''What, you guys aren't in a.. relationship?'' Luke said wide eyed. ''Oh no, did I just out him by telling you this? Shit you didn't know that he's gay or did you?'' Luke said panicking as he held his head between his hands. ''He's going to kill me..'' He whispered to himself.

"No, don't worry I knew. The think that I don't know is who's fooling around with Devis, but whatever you were thinking in that head of yours it's not me.'' I reassured him. He let out a small sight of relieve.'' Anyway, I accept your apology just don't pull a stunt like this again, you might not like me but we have to work as a team if we want to win the upcoming game and the ones that follow after. Do you understand?'' I said, softly pounding the side of my fist to his chest were his heart should be. He nodded furiously before replying with a ''I understand.'' ''Alright now get out of here, and get yourself home safely.'' ''Yes sir.'' He said as he picked up his bag from the ground and speed walked out of the hallway. Why the hell did he call me sir, we barely differ a year or 2 at most? I huffed smiling lightly, Weird kid.

Devis' POV:

Since Ian had training it meant I had to walk home. As I walked the sun was already starting to set, soon the weather would get colder and it would start to darken faster. Trough the entire day I had tried as best as I could not to think too much about the nightmare I had last night. When I talked with my friends they'd keep my thoughts occupied and the images out, but now as I was walking home alone it was harder to keep them out.

It was just a stupid dream, I kept on telling myself. Tyler would never hurt me..would he..? At the day we met he told me that he would be stuck with me until one of us dies, or if either of us decides to kill the other. Would he really take the initiative and try and kill me some day just like in my nightmare? I silently didn't want to believe he'd ever do that, but..there was always the possibility. He's a demon after all. The fact that I couldn't hear his heartbeat last night, does that mean he doesn't have a heart? Do demon's even have feelings at all? Or is he just fooling around with me.. It's hard for myself to believe but, I think in the time he's been at my side.. I've quite fallen for him.

I really hoped he might feel the same way. The way he looked so concerned after I shocked awake, how he held me, and kissed me. I lifted my fingers to my face and touched my lips in thought. That was the first time he kissed me.. he was so gentle, and his lips were so soft. I blushed thinking back about it. In a way I felt stupid for doubting Tyler. Until now he hasn't done anything to directly hurt me. It's true that he attacked me twice, but the first time it was on self defense, and the second time he couldn't control it, it was that stupid crystal that made him do it. I sighted and took my ear buds out of my pocked, plugging them into me phone and my ears, letting 'Bastille' carry me off as I made the rest of the way home. 


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