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It sounds ridiculous to put the introduction after the first chapter, but I'm doing it anyway. I don't really need an introduction, but I wanted to put a couple of things in here quickly. I plan to update this story only once a week for now (sorry, but since I'm working on My Little Mind Reader, I really want to finish that one and not promise more than I can do). When I'm able, I will update more often. So please be patient with me.

This story is intended to be a little bit of fluff and happiness. It's not going to be too serious and I don't intend to make it all that long, but we'll see what happens. I may have told you before, but my muse is a little ... assertive. (Whispering desperately: Do NOT say bossy. She gets all kinds of mad at me.) So I hope you will excuse any  moments when things are moving faster than you might expect. Again fluff and happiness, not depth and drama.

A little side note for those who are interested: I'm including recipes in my story. If you like what I'm writing, I accept baked goodies, love, and words of encouragement. XOXOXO

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