Chapter 6.

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*WARNING: this chapter gets a bit frisky, if you don't wish to read, then skip over this chapter or stop reading the story as a whole.*

After my date with Zach, I sat in my room for about two hours, letting what just happened sink in. I didn't realize how bad my feelings for him were getting until this moment.

I decided against texting him numerous times, but I finally gave in.

*Text to Zach*
Can you come pick me up? I'm gonna tell my mom I'm sleeping over at Renee's. I wanna be with you.

Not even a minute later did he reply.

*Text from Zach*
On my way. Be there in twenty. Are you staying at the hotel??

I bit my bottom lip; my first sleepover with a guy. A hot guy. Hell yeah.

*Text to Zach*
Eh, why not!

I stumbled over my stuffed frogs and shoes, looking for my overnight bag that I usually took everywhere with me. I decided I'd pack actually pajamas: sweats, spandex, and a t-shirt, along with an outfit to wear tomorrow: leggings, a crew neck, and my converse.

I felt my phone buzz on my bed next to me as I read "After", Zach was calling.

"I'm here. Well, we're here. Cooper drove. He's dropping us off then going to hangout with Renee and her family for a bit" I smiled.

"Alright, I'll be out right now!" I yelled goodbye to my mom, slamming the front door.

I sat down in the familiar Ford Explorer, absorbing the fact that it smelled like female. Like Renee.

"Cooper, please tell me you and Renee did not do the deed in your truck!" I screamed.

"No, we didn't. We went for ice cream with her younger siblings!" He defended himself, driving down familiar streets. Most of the car ride was quiet, it seemed like Zach was in an off mood.

When we pulled up to the hotel, Zach opened my door and grabbed my bag, talking to the concierge and then we head towards the elevator.

"You okay Zach?" I asked as the elevator doors closed.

"It's just been so hard to fight this feeling..." He frowned. I hesitantly moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, leaning in for a kiss. His hands reached the lower part of my back, grasping it firmly.

"I'm more than okay now" he said as I pulled away when the doors opened. He led me to his room. It had two separate bedrooms within, along with the common living area.

"I didn't know how we'd get, so I thought it'd be courteous to have an extra room and bed in case you weren't comfortable with sharing a bed" I nodded, looking in the room where his bags were, setting mine next to his.

I removed my coat and sat on the bed in my leggings and now just tank top. I patted the spot next to me. "Come cuddle and let's watch Netflix!" I grabbed his MacBook from the bedside table.

We decided on watching some episodes of SpongeBob. He enjoyed it and so did I. I pushed the laptop off of my lap halfway into our fourth episode. It was around 12:30 at this point.

I immediately straddled his lap. He looked confused.

"What're you doing?" He smiled.

"Something I've wanted to do since our make out session in the elevator" I smashed my lips into his, his tongue touching my bottom lip, yearning entrance. Our mouths explored one another, moans filling the air. He had his hands caressing my head, tangled within my hair. I moved them with my hands so that he was groping my butt, then entangled my hands within his hair.

He pulled away as I tugged at his belt.

"What're you doing??" He smirked.

"It's something I want to do. Something I need to do" he let me continue, pulling his pants down so that he sat in his briefs as I continued to straddle his lap. My body was moving all over the place, and I could feel his bulge growing.

He pulled away again, "I'm so sorry Marie. I can't help it, you're just, so... So beautiful" and he again began kissing me again, reaching straight for my butt, pulling me closer, leaving no room between us. I realized we were at the point to no end if we weren't stopping here.

I slowly removed myself from his lap, demanding he stand.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I got on my knees in front of him.

I looked up at him, almost as if I was asking permission. "I want to do this, if it's okay with you" he licked his lips and nodded. I grabbed the hem of his briefs, pulling them slightly downwards and I began doing something I swore I would never do.

It was about 2 in the morning when our intense make-out session ended entirely. I was in my spandex and my t-shirt, lying on the bed, reading "After" as always.

"Marie. Are you okay? You haven't said anything since..." I looked up at him; he was shirtless. He didn't have a six-pack like most tools do; instead, he had a nice stomach and nice pectorals. I smiled thinking about how those must feel. Then I glanced over to his biceps. Oh my gosh. His biceps. I licked my lips. Oh my gosh. Stop Marie!!

"I'm fine. Are you okay? Was it that bad? Was I really that bad?" I questioned, setting my book back in my bag, pulling my sweats on.

"No, you weren't bad. You were great. I just never thought you'd be so, so assertive about it!" He sat down next to me, pulling me into his body. Awh. He was a cuddler.

"Okay good. I'm sorry if I was too assertive. You just, you had an issue and I wanted to fix it. I felt like I had to fix it" I replied. He kissed my head.

"You didn't have to, but thank you. You did fix it..." He pulled me in closer.

"Zach, what're we going to do when winter break ends?" I questioned as he played with my hair.

"I'm not sure, but we'll work it out when the time comes. I know we will" he kissed my cheek.

I turned around so that my face was nestled in his neck. I looked up at him once more, placing a kiss on his jaw.

"Thank you..." And I returned to nestling my head in his arms.

"Goodnight beautiful" he placed three kisses on my head, pulling me closer, our legs entangling under the blanket.

Shit. I've fallen.

AGHHH. I probably won't update until Friday because it's the week before finals for me! But I hope you enjoyed. It was so bad. I'm sorry!!

-rach ❤️-

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