Chapter 4.

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I woke up Sunday morning at 7:20, exhausted. I felt like I was hungover and it was torture.

I ran down the stairs cautiously; I had to pee so bad. I had to stand outside the door because Lauren was in there already. Why did Renee only have one bathroom throughout the entire house?!

*Text from Zach*
Do you want us to come over and we can all hangout at Renee's again?

Dude. It's not even 10 in the morning. Why are you already asking for plans?!

*Text to Zach*
Uh sure, that's cool with us. Just let me know when you're on your way!

*Text from Zach*
Cool! We'll be there in like an hour!

Shit. Why? It's so early. I groaned so loud Renee's dog stirred. Sorry Queen.

I decided I should probably take a shower to look decent for when they actually come over to hangout. So after I hopped out of the shower, I raced up to Renee's room.

"Hey guys. Cooper, Jeff, and Zach are gonna be here at like 9 and I guess we're hanging out here all day?"

Lauren shot up out of bed, "WHAT TIME IS IT?" She rubbed her eyes.

"Uh, 8:10 A.M." Renee continued to lay in bed, not moving an inch. Lauren started searching around the room for her waver and clothes.

"I'll be back. I'm gonna go do my hair and throw on jeans and a t-shirt," she left the room, "wait, that's acceptable right?!" I nodded my head.

I sat at Renee's vanity in my leggings and t-shirt, combing through my naturally wavy hair.

"Are you going to get out of bed anytime soon?" I threw a pillow at Renee.

"Shut up. I'm sleeping until 9. I need sleep!" She groaned, pulling the pillow over her head and the blanket further up her body.

"Okay. Let Cooper see you in your BatMan pajama pants, it won't bother me!" I began French braiding my bangs.

"I could careless about how I look. It's Sunday, I'm on winter break, and I want to sleep in for once. So that sucks for them. I'll join you guys when it isn't so early" she groaned again, curling up into a ball further. It wouldn't matter to me if she slept the morning away, but I think her mom would get a little concerned with the fact that a boy is here for her and she's sleeping.

"Girls. The boys are back!!" Renee's mom shouted up the staircase. Great, Renee is still knocked out in bed. I trudged downstairs.

Zach immediately embraced me in a hug, "I bought two dozen of donuts. I also bought TruMoo" he gestured to the dining room table. I smiled. I noticed Renee's siblings were already eating and drinking the chocolatey goodness in their glasses.

"Where's Renee?" Her mother questioned as we all took seats at the table.

"Still sleeping. She said she refuses to get up this early when it's winter break" I remarked. Her mother shook her head.

"That girl. All she does is sleep! Someone go wake her up. Tell her it's 9:30 and I said to get up!!!" Her mom left the room and went into her bedroom. Renee's siblings diminished- her brother went to the basement, her youngest sister went upstairs, and her other sister walked outside with the dog.

Cooper finished his donut, "Which room is hers?" I told him it was the first room at the top of the stairs with teal painted walls and two twin size beds. He walked upstairs, disappearing.

Lauren and Jeff were on the couch, playing some game that caused them to laugh obnoxiously.

"So, Marie. I know it's a bit much, but can I meet your family?" I choked on my donut, trying to make it not obvious that startled me.

"I mean, my mom is home now. So it's up to you. I can have her stop by on her way to my grandma's" I pulled out my phone and texted her.

"Would you? I'd love to meet her. After all, she's the reason we met" he kissed my hand again. Shit. The butterflies. Why does he do this to me? I nodded.

Renee came down the stairs in sweats and one of her many volleyball shirts with her hair in a messy bun. Only person not actually dressed for the day.

"Nice of you to join us, princess!" Jeff called from the living room.

"Shut up! Not my fault you guys came over at the crack of dawn!!" She grabbed a donut, stuffing her face. Cooper was laughing.

My mom walked into Renee's house with my younger sister. Zach immediately jumped from the couch.

"Hello, I'm Zach. I'm the boy your daughter met at the Jingle Ball. I wanted to ask you a question, do you mind?" My little sister walked to play with Renee.

"Yes, Zach?" I heard my mother state.

"I was wondering if I could take your daughter out for dinner tonight. I will drop her off before curfew. I promise" he awkwardly stated, rambling.

"Of course Hun! That's fine with me. Her curfew is 11!" My mother stood up and Zach whispered something that caused her to laugh.

Renee's mom took her siblings out for the day, leaving us at the house with her grandfather.

"So.. Renee what're you making for lunch?" Zach finally asked at 12:30.

"Well I have like canned goods, frozen pizzas, those little bagel bite things, and like stuff to make sandwiches. I was just going to toss three pizzas in the oven" he nodded.

I snuggled up further into his arms, inhaling his scent. He smelled like laundry detergent, the good kind, the kind that's worth inhaling. It was a good way to spend my day.

"Hey guys. Marie and I will be leaving soon. So, if you want anything, tell me now so I can get it before we leave!" Zach remarked and everyone just ignored him.

I headed upstairs to change into something more appropriate for a date. I think this is going to be fun.

I sat in the passenger seat, "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, and it'll be worth the wait!" He smiled, starting the ignition.

I hope yall liked this chapter. The next ones going to be so much better. This one kinda sucked. Thanks for reading.

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