Chapter 12

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I know that I haven't updated in three months and I am an awful human being for doing so, but life happens and I just started to try to enjoy my high school years because in a month I will be entering my junior year and that's a bit scary... but here is an update and I hope you enjoy :)



"I've just got a lot on my mind..." I nodded.

"I'll listen.." He smiled.

"I know I'm difficult because I'm afraid to open up and I'm sorry for that. I know you want me to open up, but I can't without panicking. You are my world. I don't know what to do..." I held his hand.

"I'm willing to work through the differences f you are, too..." He pulled me into a hug.

"I'm willing..." I smiled.


Months have gone by and I guess I am sort of okay with the fact that I see Zach occasionally around town. It's sort of pathetic because we never really had the closure I wanted, but it happens with faulty relationships and he clearly was not the one for me.

As I walk into school on the first day of my senior year I realized two things: I need to invest in new shoes (ugh, my white converse are no longer white), and my car sounds so unsafe (probably need my breaks checked, I will have to ask Renee to ask her dad to do that). I am immediately approached under the arch by my group of friends.

"So Mar, what're you thinking about the fact that we're actually seniors? Like we are in the senior bay and we are going to be front row at EVERY sporting event!!!" Renee shouts almost too loud. She was always the one that was into the whole school thing, and I sort of admired that about her. I was also completely infatuated with her outfit. She had these grey Bermuda shorts on and paired it with a crocheted tank in this gorgeous ivory shade, a beautiful teal statement necklace, and topped it all off with her white Birkenstocks and she had her hair curled (I curled it last night, so that goes to show it looked really good).

"Renee, you're too chipper. Bring it down to a solid 2. You're like a 49. Speaking of numbers, how are you and Landon?" I smirked. Jason nudged Landon.

"I mean, we're okay. Right?" Landon answered.

"I would like to think that, but hey I mean, it depends on each individual's own personal opinion" Renee always had to reply with a smart-ass remark. They walked away to first hour together holding hands, ten minutes before class even starts because they have to be overly prompt. Jason and I stood at my locker for a good five minutes and then we parted ways.

As lunch approached, I realized that I was able to leave after this because my last two periods were free periods. I had not regretted doing online summer school when it came to the fact that I was technically only at school for 4 hours instead of 8. Senior year would definitely turn out to be a phenomenal year. College applications were right around the corner for submission and I cannot wait to go away to UCLA.

After school I headed over to Jason's and we were going to go out to Olive Garden to celebrate a wonderful start to our year as seniors and an even better six months together. It was no surprise that we had worked out our differences because we were nearly the same person just of the opposite gender. He had grown on me and I wanted to spend every waking moment together. I could look into his beautiful eyes and fall even more in love every time. He was literally the breath of fresh air I needed and the escape I had been wanting from this tattered, old town. He was the person I knew I wanted to be with.

We pulled into Olive Garden's parking lot and waited to be seated.

"Hey, Marie. How are you?" Danielle asked. She waited on us.

"I am great! How about you?!" I replied as Jason pushed me seat in.

"I'm great! I'll give you guys a moment to figure out your dr-"

"No that won't be necessary! I'll take a water and he'll have an iced tea!"

"Okay, I'll get those right in!"


Jason and I lay on my bed, completely separated. We were both sprawled out like stars.

"Marie, do you think we'll last after graduation? I mean, you intend on going to UCLA and I plan on going to NYU to study law... I'm not worried, but I need to know about you." I looked over at him, and he locked eyes with me. My heart started to do that pitter-patter thing it does when I get nervous.

"I am not worried. I hope we last even after college graduation. I want to be with you, Jason. I want to be with all of you. I want to forget about the bad memories I have had throughout high school and replace them with the new, great memories I have created with you and being with you is only the beginning. Our story has just started, Jas..." I nuzzled my head into the awkward corner of his arm-pit. He started to rub circles into my hips. It sent shivers up and down my spine. Something I hadn't realized made me feel happy and relaxed, something only he was able to make me feel.

"I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want this to be our story. I want to tell our children about this day in the future. I want to be able to sit them down on their first day of high school and explain how they can meet the love of their life when they least expect it. I want them to know that love does exist; I do not want them to be bitter about love as their mother once was. I want them to know that we are the prime example. I want them to be able to witness true love at its finest. I am completely and utterly in love with you Marie Kendall. I am so in love that sometimes it scares me and I do not know what to do, so I just stare at you in complete admiration. Marie, you're the other half that every stupid love story discusses, you're the one I have been looking for. I'm done searching..." He looked down at me and I was in tears. He pulled me in tightly and kissed the top of my forehead.

I had already forgotten all of the bad memories...

Zach who?

Jason was the life changer, he was the good guy that never finished writing his story and wanted me to be apart of it all. Jason. It was all Jason.

Jason and his love made me feel numb.


A/N- And that's all she wrote. That's the end of this story. Love doesn't always conquer all, but I wanted it to in this story. Sooner or later I will post the update for LGML? and you will forget all about Numb, but I hope you enjoyed this journey because I surely did.

I love you all. ♥♥

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