° • CHAPTER 9 • °

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He carried you all the way to a nearby hospital

You were transported to the ER (emergency room)

"Doctor. Will she be alright?" Changbin asked

"Her condition is really bad, she almost cut a vessel. And it looks like she threw up several times." the doctor said

"That means she could have died.." he said almost in tears

"She'll need a psycologist to overcome her situation." the doctor replied

He stayed by your side while you were asleep.

3 days went by.

You woke up and still dizzy you recognized Changbin, he fell asleep with your hands intertwined with his.

You felt so sorry that you started crying

He woke up and hugged you tightly

You were a mess but managed to crack a smile

His eyes were getting watery

You hugged him.

For the rest of the day you went out with him and ate icecream, laughed and smiled.

You had forgotten for awhile about your problems.

You felt warm in his embrace.

"Y/N." he said looking into your eyes.
you could tell he was a bit nervous
"I have something to confess to you" He said making you curious
"What is it?" you asked
"I like you. No. I love you y/n. I love you so much that everytime i'm with you my heart starts racing." he said with a soft voice
"Changbin I" he cut off your words
"I understand if you need time. It's fine with me." he said
"No Changbin. I..I love you too. I just realized that now and i'm sorry for all the troubles i've put you in so far." you said locking eyes with him
"Don't be sorry. None of this is your fault. Y/n, i really want to make you happy. Can I?" he said
"I love you" you replied
He scooted closer to you and gently held your neck to kiss you
You blushed at the sudden action
Everything felt right

From that day on you two went to school together and he always protected you. You were finally able to smile.

So Yeon tried to separate the two of you by telling you a bunch of awful things but Changbin took care of it.

You stopped with the self harm and instead you cuddled with him whenever you were feeling low.

After graduation you went out on many dates with Changbin and had fun together.

You were finally starting to heal. He saved you from yourself.

If you came this far, thank you for reading my ff. I really enjoyed writing it and i hope you liked to read it.
If you ever experience bullism don't hesitate to talk about it to a friend/parent/teacher who you trust. It is never ok. And if you ever experience depression, remember that you're not alone. You can talk it out to a close friend or parent, or to a psychologist, go to someone who can help you. Stay away from toxic people. And remember that suicide isn't a solution. You may think that no one cares about you but there's always someone. I really hope you'll overcome it. Luv u <3
(I've never experienced any mental illness so i can't really say something helpful, but you're enough, you're strong and the prettiest human, even if i've never seen you.)

𝑇𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒 𝑂𝑓 𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑛 {Seo Changbin}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora