° • CHAPTER 4 • °

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You woke up after about 30 minutes and still feeling dizzy, you managed to clean the bathroom and get changed.

You threw yourself on the bed

After taking your sleep pills, you threw yourself on the bed.
Hours later and you were still awake
Another restless night.

××The next day××

You turned off your phone and threw it in your school bag.

"Y/n. Can we talk?" Changbin asked

"No" you replied avoiding eye contact

Changbin: "Please I.. I just wanna talk"

Y/n: "..Fine. But if it's something stupid i won't talk to you ever again"  as you said that, he got closer

"Are you ok..I mean..yesterday you seemed really scared so I was worried.."

Y/n: "Why would you even be worried about me? We just met yesterday"

Changbin: "I just want to help...and i would like to be friends if that's ok with you" he said leaving you speechless.

You were reminded of your ex best friend as fear and anger quickly took over you.

~~ThRoW BaCk~~

You and your one and only friend back in high school were really close to eachother.
Everyday she would come over to your house and spend the night to your house watching your favourite films.

There was this cute boy in your class, and one day he asked you out.
The two of you were really happy.
To your eyes he was the only one. 

But someday, you couldn't reach him, he wouldn't even read your messages for hours, sometimes even days.
So you got really worried and went to his house.

When you opened the door, you heard weird sounds coming from the bedroom, so you went to check.

The moment you opened the door of his room, your saw your bestfriend and him kissing on top of eachother half naked, on his bed.

You ran away cuz you felt sick to your stomach and threw up.
You then cut ties with both of them.

You were really disappointed and disgusted.
She was your bestfriend and he was the guy you loved with all yourself, yet they betrayed you.

After that day, they started to date officially and all the school knew it.

You kept getting bullied for "getting in the way" of their relationship.

But what hurt you the most was that they both cheated on you and made up lies to get rid of you in the most painful way.

That's how your depression began.

Since then, you've been scared to be in a relationship and even have friends. You were scared of getting attached again to someone, so you began to avoid people.

𝑇𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒 𝑂𝑓 𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑛 {Seo Changbin}Where stories live. Discover now