The biggest mistake of his life.

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[BIG TW! Involves cutting, other Self-harm method's, swearwords, blood. No, I won't Explain how to get to the stuff he used, it IS 100% possible though.]

Timothy was now stuck in this hospital for over a month now.. He was mostly hiding, or when he wasn't, he made sure that people know that he hated it there. Breaking as many rules as possible in a few days and hell, he wasn't stupid. Yes he got a somewhat education but was he there to do the school work? No, he barely showed up in the morning.

When the doctors looked for him he wasn't anywhere near, he usually hid in other rooms, rooms he wasn't supposed to be in and just anywhere, really. Just to escape the Man in the suit.. He just wanted all this stress, panic and horror to end.. He wanted to have a life, friends.. He didn't want to be alone anymore.

To this time his mother barley showed up anymore, she gave up in him completely, she didn't want him. It was just too much for her to handle, her own son was 'crazy', she spent years to raise him just to turn out as a mistake? God, no, no one would ever want such a little fucktard in their home.

Little Tim somehow got wind of the words his mother said about him, I mean the doctors had to inform him why his mother never showed up to check in him, or why she barely calls him. God that broke him, completely.

He eventually had a friend, a boy, he didn't tell him everything but they used to just talk with eachother or even play! it was one of the only people he actually wanted to be around, this boy was his last resort of comfort.

But just knowing that his mother disowned him, that he was alone, with no family, that just broke him.. That just hurt him so badly.. So the last resort was to do things he'll regret in the future.

If you ever been to a mental hospital, you probably know how strict they are but there are always ways to hurt yourself. It's simple, just know your ways.

Anyway, little boy Tim with his 7 years, somehow got his hands on a little glass piece he carried around. It started with only one small Cut, it hurt a lot and hell, he cried a bunch but after some time, he just, ignored the pain, it went from 1 cut to over 40, just trying to get him to feel something, just trying to.. feel alive again, just trying to be normal again. He didn't see any other way anymore, he didn't find anything else.

Not only his arms were scared, no also his thighs. It went so far that this little boy passed out in the bathroom, two little puddles of blood on the floor around his wrists. This boy was, hurt, broken. Nothing could stop this pain he was in.

Of course, due to the strict rules, one of the nurses there found him quite fast and the next memory he had was blending, white lights shining into his eyes, he had bandages tightly wrapped around him and then he saw her, Mrs. Wright.

The Psych ward of course had to call the closest family member to tell them about Tim's state and what just happened, but her cold, piercing eyes just glared at the boy who just had his first suicide attempt. Luckily he failed, but the numbness didn't leave, it never would. He was alone, fighting this.

His mother was, deeply disappointed, just knowing her son would've choose the 'Coward way out' was embarrassing and then seeing him 'acting' so clueless made her sick.

”Timothy, what were you thinking?“ She tilted her head a little and kept her eyes on him

He looked away, Trying to hide under the covers of the bed, just trying to escape, he was horrified, scared, his wrists were pounding from pain and so was his head. ”I- I wasn't thinking..“, he mumbled quietly.

”Of course you weren't! that is just ridiculous, wake up! This is not a game.“

”Of course it not Mommy.. I'm sorry..“ he was scared, he wanted her to leave him alone, he wanted to just, rest now, he knew he'll be stuck in the Mental hospital anyway, no matter what he did.

”You better be sorry. I don't want such a coward in my house.“ god her words pierced through his ears, that hit harder than he expected, he just tried his hardest not to sob, not to break down right there.

Luckily Mrs. Wright left as soon as she came, leaving Tim all alone once again.. until the door of the room got almost kicked open, this little boy Tim was calling his friend literally begged the doctors after hearing what happened and was finally allowed to get to him and the first thing that boy did was carefully sitting on the bed, next to Tim and just hugged him carefully.

That was the moment Tim finally blet himself cry, he trusted this boy more than anyone else, he was his only comfort he had left, he might not know what that stranger did to end up in an mental institution but he was so caring.. and careful.. it was just a matter of time until Tim would tell him about 'The man in the suit'.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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