Last idea and last decision.

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Mrs. Wright didn't want to just sent Tim away into something so dark, he'd be watched at almost 24 hours a day, the times he'd be left alone were ment to be either being with other kids there or in the bedroom. Phones where almost not allowed, just 2 hours in the evening before it as to go into a bag, and no, hiding it wouldn't work. That would just result in what they called a 'time out'. In reality it was just sitting down, talking to someone why you did that and then you'll have to write it down as some kind of letter to your future self to see what stupid shit you've done. Fun games.

She wanted to give Tim a good rest childhood, but that was hard, her last option was taking the boys glasses of his face. Oh? haven't I mentioned? Tim had glasses, simple black ones, Nothing special, they had to get fixed every so often due to him being a clumsy kid. Anyway back to the subject, Tim was just happily playing but started to panic Because the now 'Tall, faceless thing' was back. In hope to stop his crying Mrs. Wright took his glasses, and that was something she'd directly regret. He just started to cry more, especially because he couldn't Completely see it anymore, in his mindset, he will die now, and closing his eyes wasn't an option, not anymore.

Mrs Wright instantly picked Tim up and put his glasses back on his nose, Trying to calm him down. That was the point she realised she couldn't do that, she couldn't always stick to Tim's side and help and the 'hallucinations' got worse, so she didn't have a choice anymore.

After Tim calmed Somewhat down she sighed and put him down ”I'll be right back sweetie, just a moment-“ she smiled, it was although a cold smile, like she had to force it onto her face.

Tim being the understanding little boy nodded and sat down, hugging a little stuffie close to him, as a protector, that was the only thing he could trust at this point. The action his mother just made broke the last bit of trust he had. Great.

Eventually his Mother came back down again and picking him up and bringing him into their car. then she'd stuff his little suitcase in the trunk of it and got in on the drivers side. Mrs. Wright really was clueless now. The mental hospital was already called when she was upstairs, Tim Wouldn't get out in near future, and visits aren't welcome at first that he could get used to it.

It took some time, but they eventually got there and when Tim realized where they were, he started to panic, he didn't want to be there, he didn't want to stay, but Mrs. Wright couldn't handle him anymore, she wished she could.. but it was better for Tim to be watched.

So she didn't care about his crying, she got out if the car and grabbed the simple white suitcase out of the car trunk and then went to Tim, getting him out of the, greyish car.

She walked inside the big building, that was the part that was specialised for kids. And as soon as some doctors came and Brought Tim to his room, obviously he had to share it with another kid, and Mrs. Wright filled out the last papers, she left, leaving Tim behind.

This little boy cried so much, he literally curled himself up in a corner of the bedroom, he was asked to come with doctors but he just cried. He was pushed away, Abaddoned, destroyed. He was problematic, he deserved that didn't he? He ruined his mother's life. And there was the blaming on himself started. This boy thought everything that had happened to him was because he once didn't eat what his mum cooked, or because he acted sick once. The list can go on for ages. He thought he was the problem and that he didn't deserve it differently.

He eventually passed out in the corner, his cheeks puffy red, his head pounding, this boy was so exhausted. He was sorry for everything he caused, but will he be able to get through all this without problems?

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