You'll always be in my heart.

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[Disclaimer! I wrote the description of the Mental hospital how I experienced it in my time there!]

The next day started pretty normal, Tim slept better then he ever slept the last month's, he felt like he was protected. His mother was already up and made breakfast, I mean what else should she do? She totally wouldn't whelm about missing the bastard she had married, ah, she still was mad and decided after waking Timothy up and eating together, maybe sitting down somewhere and write a little, Nothing meaningful, just to get all the bad energy out of her head and probably after she was calmer, getting rid of all the stuff she had left from her husband. She would never let the man who caused her sweet little son so much pain in this house again.

She put the breakfast she had made on the set table and smiled, it was really much of an effort to put up that breakfast things Tim liked the most. Especially because Tim was a really picky eater to that time.

The morning shouldn't stay that peaceful though, Because Tim woke up and realized his mum wasn't there, he started crying, screaming, he even tried to hide but that was a quite hard task. The most common thing he yelled was ”Get that tall thing away!“ and ”Mommy!“

Oh boy, only hearing this made Mrs. Wright instantly run upstairs to Tim and without waisting Another thought, picking him up and Trying to calm him down.

This boy was crying so much already, but actually calmed down after a while. His mother was the only safe spot he had, this 'tall thing' had bigger plans.. But we don't want to grip too far into the future, do we?

Either way, this wasn't the only time that happened, Mrs. Wright can't even leave the room just for a moment, Otherwise Timothy would start to panic and cry, shaking. This poor boy, so much trauma that he can't handle being alone anymore.

Sadly, Mrs. Wright had only limited time before she had to go to work, so she had to figure something out to leave Tim alone, otherwise she only had one last idea.. A mental hospital, this was clearly the last thing she wanted to do, but she didn't have a choice if anything else didn't work.. She loved Tim, so so much.

She tried a bunch of things, explaining it to him, taking him to a daycare, bringing him to a friend's house and last but not least, asking his grandmother to watch over him but it always ended the same, she got a call from the person supposed to watch Tim, telling her that he was panicking, like always.

She really didn't have any other choice, she had to bring him somewhere where people can actually help him, people who'd understand him and his problems.

First of all Mrs. Wright, Tim and a Psychiatrist Dr. Smith, it was a pretty decent appointment, Tim was more or less mute, he didn't want to talk about anything he saw when he was alone.. He just couldn't, he didn't trust this doctor, he wouldn't tell him Anything, yet at least.

After that appointment, the first time seeing the Doctor and the mental hospital from the inside, Tim already hated it, it was gray in gray, the walls seemed like to get closer, the windows were either not able to being opened or there was a Grid mesh that you can't get out. In Tim's young head that didn't make any sense,  it was just 'weird'. Before the Family Wright left, they got a sheet of paper with all the information on it and the plan how and when appointments where if he stayed there. It was pretty busy, not really much freetime, let's hope it'll work.

They eventually got home again and Mrs. Wright was just walking inside, packing some stuff for Tim, not too much, he wouldn't need too much clothing, but she also put in some stuffed animals and Something to play with that he feels like he's still at home... Poor Tim, that was hell..

The night came sooner as thought, the sun set and Tim was already tired, so he and his mum went to bed a last time together, he just didn't know that yet.. Let's hope everything goes well and Tim understands that he isn't alone..

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