The 'first' encounter.

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It's been about 12 Hours, Tim slept through them because he was exhausted due all the sobbing, screaming, shaking, scratching yesterday. He tried everything to get out of this room. Yes his mother showed up every now and then but he wasn't willing to talk, not anymore. Something in him shattered to the ground, his heart ached everytime he thought about his 'family'.

He might be only 7 years old, but he was not stupid, he knew when something was off and his mother fit to it. She was off, Something was wrong.

What he didn't know, Mrs. Wright was yelling, arguing with others, that inclusive the youth healthcare system. Others assumed she was 'busy' at work or 'getting over her trauma', but no. She was just complaining that Tim was a failure, that he shouldn't be born in the first place. That he deserved all of this. And she quite literally begged the youth healthcare system to get him new parents, to get him out for adoption when he got out of the Hospital.

Luckily Tim didn't know that, he was struggling with himself and the doctors. It would break his awkward little heart if he'd hear that his mother completely gave him up. He was suffering enough in this new environment.

Everything seemed like hell, his 'hallucinations' just grew worse over the course of a single week. He sadly was too young to take any medication to stop them and most doctors played it off as 'Imaginary friends'. It wasn't a friend. this thing gave him bad panic attacks, he hasn't slept well in days and all that stress killed him. He wanted to get out.

Tim was stuck in a small room, not locked up or anything, he was just decent enough to stick with the rules, even of they were really strict and all that jazz. Not easy for someone like Tim, he was more of a trouble maker.

on an outside perspective Tim seemed just like and easy case, no major issues or anything, he was fighting with himself, two struggles, the one who wanted to keep him fighting, alive and the other who just wanted to give up, taking the coward way out, just giving in. It was so hard for him to just fight for both sides, now he was just sitting in the corner of his 'Room'. Waiting, hoping, for his mother to walk in, saying: "C'mon sweetie, Let's go home.", but he knew that wouldn't happen, not in near future.

Some more time passed in the hospital, it's been now 2 weeks and 2 hours since he got pushed into there, far, far away from any social contact. Yes there were other kids his age but he couldn't bring himself to talk to any of them, they wouldn't understand him, they wouldn't get what's going on, they wouldn't get the thing! No!

It was one of the harder days, the 'Tall, faceless"- Imaginary friend was back, he was staring at Tim, from the other side of the corner, he was quite, scaring, staring at him, just.. Watching.

Tim was screaming, Trying to escape, he couldn't, this thing had him backed of into a corner. It had to be real! why could no one else do something against it! Why was he alone..? Everyone left him and now he was gonna die, at least he felt like he would.. He hoped he would then he'd be free of the thing.. He didn't want to see it anymore. Until something pushed him out if the scared state, a hand on his shoulder? He slowly looked up and Welp it was that thing, it didn't leave. j̸t̸ a̸l̸w̸a̸y̸s̸ w̸a̸t̸c̸h̸e̸s̸..

Tim's fight or flight mode kicked in, he decided to run away, just to Someone, so the small boy stood up on his two shaky feet and ran, he ran out of the room, just to escape. He ended up running into a doctor, he hated it, they'd just bring him back, and due that thingy.. He was scared if every touch, poor boy has to run again.. He ran around the hospital and ended up hiding underneath some stairs where no one was.. He thought he was safe..

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